Thursday, August 13, 2009

Gladiator Beast Prisma

working hours for trainees? Whats wrong? New design

Well its not even a week in the working and there is already anger / stress> _> that made me so ready .___. I was factual and correct down x'D I think I've never been so down in the last days T_T but since yesterday it is again: D we say it this way, I'm surprised at all nothing more inside un so: D nya, then I stop reading that almost 6 trainees who brought their doctrine behind this have jah, only 2 have been taken over ... then my colleague came un I talk to, I really exhausting MCIH un fight, so I stay because in (although I'm really the currently still totally think about> _>) nya, then mentioned my kolegin something where I was totally shocked O___O !

my sister looking for jah also just as skilled bakery salesgirl something ... and she has also advertised in my OPENED dependent and would be invited to a professional investigators because ...
is now our sales manager (so to speak, our manager XD) meant to my colleague that my sister is up there with exchanges in a leotard (!!!!!) Jogging .... as I've heard, I was shocked! I think I was really pale in the face x'D
then when I came home, I'm told that my mother ... phew, it has been so excited, but I understand only too well is un my family this assertion? We would be messy, we would not look at our not maintain un un un nu U_U I can tell you as much o, what it is also bad that this message should not even come to me ! this is actually a secret thing finally un treat personally> _> that is character assassination, what are they doing there ._____.
well, the day was not over jah we meet again ^ ^ un vertrragen who dispute me to learn my Füherescheins
moteviert XD XD that was the Monday

TUESDAY: Muha XD a bit of Monatg finished yet, I went again in the moteviert XD nya work, at the end I came out of there with broken whip nerves again! x'D know some of you determined that I get out my jah wisdom teeth ... that would be the time added on 31.8 ... but my business to me because these operations are not given vacation time! Ò , _o "well do now the fact, that I leave my entire rästliche days (~ 4 days to be exact XD) to use to be sick? "WTF? There is something going nciht "I've just thought> _> I'm in the moment sick leave, and not to do on vacation O_O Hey, when allowed to make it with what they do> _> * so * x'D annoy is because change is still repays something (müssen! XD)> _>

WEDNESDAY: ha-ha ^ _ ^ "you would have ever thought that it also "short-time working for trainees "are? No? However, there is! XD and I'll prove it to you! XD I may just nu x'D 6-12 clock work (not as before clock of 6-13: 3), our sales performance is too low .____. (Power conversion means is how much benefit we get in an hour like un busy ~ bsp. When it clock at 7:00 to 34, 7 stands, there is very little ... but if it clock to 7:00 am already on 54, 7 stands, that's damn good un there is a lot going on ... so, if the person is un approximate turnover of under 60.0, I have been up 12 clock homecoming ... but will not pay attention to what we do everything by the way, such as cleaning, baking, paperwork un un un>) toll, right? XD oh, just one hour is it? nu think its safe ... but that is sommiert jah still ... I will this week close to 3 hours in the red ... it probably is but then the next months more if it runs any better. .. I like the hours aufgleiche again? * Laughs * well, there go my entire Saturdays on it x'D I hope so much that I'm not on 19 9 to work ... finally, there is jah the nichi; _; un I've only taken time off at 9.21 am 18.9.un .___. I anticipated that I must work because nciht aufjedenfall x'D economic crisis shit! >___>

THURSDAY: today we have covered it XD me this time, but for my colleague, Evi! She came out more than 10 years on Saturday at 5:30 clock ... Now it was here that she eigenlich only at 6: 00 clock work would have! So she has started since 10 years previously un never get money for the hours .___. trauig, right? un the bad thing is that my 2 colleague has said the UN never knew! We also have evi and I feel that they want wegeckeln evi .___. bad, right? O;

Well, that's all that happened so far this week. XD I do wonder what is probably tomorrow? wahrscehinlich then is my notice on the table x'D * laugh * is just fun! although I jah because no jokes to make of it ... ^ _ ^ "but even if that would happen, I would have put this on my page
XDDD but I am doing better again aufjedenfall ^ ^ jah am a "Stand up man" XD
and I can never be long depri XD

nya, I have to make my entry XD Animagic make but repays it was on WE ... great *__*~ ♥ aba I tell you that then everything ^ o ^ b


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