Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Cansperm Live Afternew Sperm Is In?

Oder auch nicht xD

Well ... ^ ^ I was today gequasselt the tattoo artist and got the man as a bit.
Well, unfortunately ... the idea of my beautiful tattoo as I wanted it, is unfortunately not well implemented.

ensure that everything has a good quality and long lasting, non-fuzzy and washed out at some point it looks like etc. should be made larger than I wanted. Therefore let ego xD I'm very happy I mean really on it, but if as I expect now is to make time not be so, I also examined non-convulsive after calming alternative solution ^ ^ That would be non-sense and purpose of the thing. Schade isses would certainly looked beautiful for the beginning, but then had been looking in a few years ago, would have nothing around that would have been pretty ^ ^ And to risk the isses me then not worth ^ . ~

So first issue done, the budget is pleased xDDDD

So and so I will now viiiiiiiel Byou as compensation
Etoo ....~ xD xD the song fits hmhmhmhmmm .... * Summ *

away And I am sometimes ^. ~


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