Thursday, August 20, 2009

Coach Handbagbirthday Theme

Byou is just love \u0026lt;3

* melt * Hach know isses toll again that the Schatzis over there doing well.

After I here just half past five ausm bed've tortured, humming softly Gazette yesterday and it was clearly too long and entirely too much alcohol .... ^ ^ 'Have I so mahr or less put to bed and slept a few hours, shut in the heat as much as you can only ever \u0026lt;, \u0026lt;

Nja ~ and then I get up again at half past five ... convertible and half dead with leeeeichten headache on the first PC to wake up. And what is when I look in Byous blog? 2009-08-21 13:24:24 be posting ... * Glances at the Naoi Clock * 6:25 .... * _ * (Kla ne go for all? The blog according to Japanese time ^ ^ the good guys ahead of us sin even seven hours ^ ^) Oh well

Byou that is straight and on the PC and then writes x3 He also ~ a ohayou and that when using semi two afternoon is xD But I've got ~ can start a better day yes nich as a good morning from Byou x3

2009-08-21 13:24: 24


SCREW鋲オフィシャルブログ 秒殺秘話 Powered by Ameba-090821_125646.jpg

入り した.

当たり前 だ けど チッタ の 時 より 体調 良い.

Since his posting for those interested in this ^ ^ He said there were now arrived where they wanted to go (Città ~> no idea whether this is translated correctly ...) and he would NEM in physically good condition. Such things we want to hear.) Nich always some bad news _.

Well now I'm looking forward another bissl that Byou certainly grad squatting in front of PC and surf and I will then later on the way to work to make ^ ^ Mata ne

minna-sa ~ n ~ * all

durchflausch *


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