Thursday, August 27, 2009

Uncensored Train Groping

still 51 days * _ *

Guitar Manaaaabu ~ xDDDD And how Byou again throw away xDD I love the Ne
guys xD Jin is somehow seems nervous to me xD Maybe because is a special comment for the foreign fans like that? Kazuki xD nice gesture at the beginning is really cool Feix * * And our Leader-sama says absolutely nothing ... except ... "Yuuto ...", desu xD really great Yu-chan xD

Awwww ~ nothing around long and we'll see you in Finland! xD YAY ^/////^ Whoa I turned so by ey ... ^ ^ '

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Doritos Baked Or Fried

And bring back the times me mad X_X

Oh man people -... I am again so today so that I Screw-flashed half the day lost in thought again safely walk through the area will @ _ @ are the times but the madness is not it? Pull out the video inside .... I'm so any circle Chan cases trying to repress, but somehow this is no longer xDDDD Awww ~ if I could only describe how I love this band ~ ~ ~ ~ X____X But that is nich possible I wü sst but even where to start non x_x

Enjoy ~

looooveee ~ ~ ~

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Coach Handbagbirthday Theme

Byou is just love \u0026lt;3

* melt * Hach know isses toll again that the Schatzis over there doing well.

After I here just half past five ausm bed've tortured, humming softly Gazette yesterday and it was clearly too long and entirely too much alcohol .... ^ ^ 'Have I so mahr or less put to bed and slept a few hours, shut in the heat as much as you can only ever \u0026lt;, \u0026lt;

Nja ~ and then I get up again at half past five ... convertible and half dead with leeeeichten headache on the first PC to wake up. And what is when I look in Byous blog? 2009-08-21 13:24:24 be posting ... * Glances at the Naoi Clock * 6:25 .... * _ * (Kla ne go for all? The blog according to Japanese time ^ ^ the good guys ahead of us sin even seven hours ^ ^) Oh well

Byou that is straight and on the PC and then writes x3 He also ~ a ohayou and that when using semi two afternoon is xD But I've got ~ can start a better day yes nich as a good morning from Byou x3

2009-08-21 13:24: 24


SCREW鋲オフィシャルブログ 秒殺秘話 Powered by Ameba-090821_125646.jpg

入り した.

当たり前 だ けど チッタ の 時 より 体調 良い.

Since his posting for those interested in this ^ ^ He said there were now arrived where they wanted to go (Città ~> no idea whether this is translated correctly ...) and he would NEM in physically good condition. Such things we want to hear.) Nich always some bad news _.

Well now I'm looking forward another bissl that Byou certainly grad squatting in front of PC and surf and I will then later on the way to work to make ^ ^ Mata ne

minna-sa ~ n ~ * all

durchflausch *

Monday, August 17, 2009

What Do You Call The Wrap That Comes With A Dress

Naoi ma full again ausm concept gebracht ... ._.

Awwww Leuts x_x I turn right through! That was just> re just too much in too short a time. \u0026lt;

New SCREW images and preview the album X-RAYS ... aaaahhh ~ * squeak * ma's

Byou -#*/+_$~ is sooo ... great ... X_X * cough * ey Moaahhhh I get back grad nix meaningful existence ... but of course for something right?
Manabu looks, too ma so hammer from now and Yuuto recognizes one simply does nothing around again! xD Aba Jin is great and fully with the short, dark hair and something of ma cute .... muaahh schaaaut daaa ~>

DAMN IT ey ~ ~ ~ ~ x___x How can you have so ... so .... so .... aw .... this band ey * sigh *

OMFG .... ne more I find it simply a non ... Except ... I want the hamm T_T

Kazuki Oh you darling \u0026lt;3 and Manabu you slut! xDDD Moah legga ~ xD

Ney are you sweet hey, you you want but just canoodle only: *

Sun and all the remaining non-enough and now I want to give the rest here are the preview for xrays ...
Byou ey ... Naaaain I say nothing more better, but peep me now to the other thousands of times ... Bye ~ ~ Minna

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Cute And Funny Wedding Invataion Wording

Chillig ;)

The GR was great ~ and today the Free because I once did not do anything ^ ^

you all a pleasant Sunday evening ^ __ ^

* rofl *

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Gladiator Beast Prisma

working hours for trainees? Whats wrong? New design

Well its not even a week in the working and there is already anger / stress> _> that made me so ready .___. I was factual and correct down x'D I think I've never been so down in the last days T_T but since yesterday it is again: D we say it this way, I'm surprised at all nothing more inside un so: D nya, then I stop reading that almost 6 trainees who brought their doctrine behind this have jah, only 2 have been taken over ... then my colleague came un I talk to, I really exhausting MCIH un fight, so I stay because in (although I'm really the currently still totally think about> _>) nya, then mentioned my kolegin something where I was totally shocked O___O !

my sister looking for jah also just as skilled bakery salesgirl something ... and she has also advertised in my OPENED dependent and would be invited to a professional investigators because ...
is now our sales manager (so to speak, our manager XD) meant to my colleague that my sister is up there with exchanges in a leotard (!!!!!) Jogging .... as I've heard, I was shocked! I think I was really pale in the face x'D
then when I came home, I'm told that my mother ... phew, it has been so excited, but I understand only too well is un my family this assertion? We would be messy, we would not look at our not maintain un un un nu U_U I can tell you as much o, what it is also bad that this message should not even come to me ! this is actually a secret thing finally un treat personally> _> that is character assassination, what are they doing there ._____.
well, the day was not over jah we meet again ^ ^ un vertrragen who dispute me to learn my Füherescheins
moteviert XD XD that was the Monday

TUESDAY: Muha XD a bit of Monatg finished yet, I went again in the moteviert XD nya work, at the end I came out of there with broken whip nerves again! x'D know some of you determined that I get out my jah wisdom teeth ... that would be the time added on 31.8 ... but my business to me because these operations are not given vacation time! Ò , _o "well do now the fact, that I leave my entire rästliche days (~ 4 days to be exact XD) to use to be sick? "WTF? There is something going nciht "I've just thought> _> I'm in the moment sick leave, and not to do on vacation O_O Hey, when allowed to make it with what they do> _> * so * x'D annoy is because change is still repays something (müssen! XD)> _>

WEDNESDAY: ha-ha ^ _ ^ "you would have ever thought that it also "short-time working for trainees "are? No? However, there is! XD and I'll prove it to you! XD I may just nu x'D 6-12 clock work (not as before clock of 6-13: 3), our sales performance is too low .____. (Power conversion means is how much benefit we get in an hour like un busy ~ bsp. When it clock at 7:00 to 34, 7 stands, there is very little ... but if it clock to 7:00 am already on 54, 7 stands, that's damn good un there is a lot going on ... so, if the person is un approximate turnover of under 60.0, I have been up 12 clock homecoming ... but will not pay attention to what we do everything by the way, such as cleaning, baking, paperwork un un un>) toll, right? XD oh, just one hour is it? nu think its safe ... but that is sommiert jah still ... I will this week close to 3 hours in the red ... it probably is but then the next months more if it runs any better. .. I like the hours aufgleiche again? * Laughs * well, there go my entire Saturdays on it x'D I hope so much that I'm not on 19 9 to work ... finally, there is jah the nichi; _; un I've only taken time off at 9.21 am 18.9.un .___. I anticipated that I must work because nciht aufjedenfall x'D economic crisis shit! >___>

THURSDAY: today we have covered it XD me this time, but for my colleague, Evi! She came out more than 10 years on Saturday at 5:30 clock ... Now it was here that she eigenlich only at 6: 00 clock work would have! So she has started since 10 years previously un never get money for the hours .___. trauig, right? un the bad thing is that my 2 colleague has said the UN never knew! We also have evi and I feel that they want wegeckeln evi .___. bad, right? O;

Well, that's all that happened so far this week. XD I do wonder what is probably tomorrow? wahrscehinlich then is my notice on the table x'D * laugh * is just fun! although I jah because no jokes to make of it ... ^ _ ^ "but even if that would happen, I would have put this on my page
XDDD but I am doing better again aufjedenfall ^ ^ jah am a "Stand up man" XD
and I can never be long depri XD

nya, I have to make my entry XD Animagic make but repays it was on WE ... great *__*~ ♥ aba I tell you that then everything ^ o ^ b

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Cansperm Live Afternew Sperm Is In?

Oder auch nicht xD

Well ... ^ ^ I was today gequasselt the tattoo artist and got the man as a bit.
Well, unfortunately ... the idea of my beautiful tattoo as I wanted it, is unfortunately not well implemented.

ensure that everything has a good quality and long lasting, non-fuzzy and washed out at some point it looks like etc. should be made larger than I wanted. Therefore let ego xD I'm very happy I mean really on it, but if as I expect now is to make time not be so, I also examined non-convulsive after calming alternative solution ^ ^ That would be non-sense and purpose of the thing. Schade isses would certainly looked beautiful for the beginning, but then had been looking in a few years ago, would have nothing around that would have been pretty ^ ^ And to risk the isses me then not worth ^ . ~

So first issue done, the budget is pleased xDDDD

So and so I will now viiiiiiiel Byou as compensation
Etoo ....~ xD xD the song fits hmhmhmhmmm .... * Summ *

away And I am sometimes ^. ~

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

White In Urine In Morning

Tattoo coming soon ... ^^

Huhu my friends, I post more often again
jap ^.

~ Today I got my tattoo image get ready. It is altogether non become what I had initially considered. But that does nothing, the first idea was something a size too big ^ ^ 'I will draw but which in any case too;)
Sun .. but my tattoo is now something else ^ ^ small and you do not hope that I now have the picture of uploading! xD

remains a mystery and you see it then if it decorates my skin ^.
you later ~ ~

your Naoi ^ ^ * sigh *

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Brazilian Wax Fargo Nd

Jasime You - Versailles - † 09.08.2009

long time I have non-posted and it really sad with what post I am now back in touch.

Not a pretty Sunday dinner today, for a few hours ago I have read this here:

\u0026lt;\u0026lt;\u0026lt;\u0026lt;\u0026lt;\u0026lt;\u0026lt;\u0026lt;\u0026lt;\u0026lt;\u0026lt;\u0026lt;\u0026lt;\u0026lt;\u0026lt; ;\u0026lt;\u0026lt;\u0026lt;\u0026lt;\u0026lt;\u0026lt;\u0026lt;\u0026lt;\u0026lt;\u0026lt;\u0026lt;\u0026lt;\u0026lt;\u0026lt;\u0026lt;\u0026lt;\u0026lt;

Unfortunately, I have some very bad news for fans of Versailles, and it’s extremely hard to post this. I translated the announcement directly from their homepage, but due to my own shock and state of mind, there might be some errors. However, I’m sure you all will get the general idea.

「Versailles」 Urgent Announcement

Though Jasmine You had taken time off in order to rest because of poor physical condition, we received a report that early in the morning on August 9th, he died. Because of the extreme abruptness of this news, the members and staff are all dumbfounded and trying hard to accept this it.

As soon as his family has been notified and updated as to the details and we receive their permission, we will further report to all of the fans.

Moreover, with the current announcement, in regards to activity, please allow us to postpone it.


... Okay so I had to translate now not even know why I came not any more.

bassist Jasmine You of Versailles, died on 09-08-2009

Hammer message and I still do not really how I should handle it. Versailles is a band that I really liked and now I hear even a few years. It makes me really even if it be not one of the J-rockers, of which I am a big fan. But I love
Versailles and Jamine nunmal You heard it.

Sowa hurts like hell and once again all these thoughts come up in one, how quickly it can all be over. Just like that. Many find it safe ridiculous that one of the death of a man whom they knew personally entrains not even like that, but these are in my opinion, people who do not even try in this situation hineinzuversetzten.

The music is a part of our lives, at least one of my life. And all the bands I listen to and like are a part of me. Embody myself reflected in any way and every band against me differently.
If someone does not understand, it is not bad. Should only things like that now to mourn someone who belonged to this band, easily tolerated.

Jasmine You was definitely one of the special ... with he stabbed his outfits even from such a prominent band like Versailles show. But he was also a normal human being, as well as all the others are.
grieve for him and now his family, his friends, his fans ....

What was the reason for his death is still unknown.

fact is a really good bass player has been lost in this world and the way it looks right now, his band goes with him. What is a crazy loss.

all I really can not say at the moment ... well it does, however, write something like this once in the soul.

Jasmine You, you will always be a part of the Versailles Philharmonic Quintet remain safe and never forget be.

Mourning the little flowers I encounter my

me in many ways

not yet matured - the flower away

bow your up against the early death

forget the sun's rays

died soon longing for the light

promised happiness remains buried deep

feel like the withered bud break

Asagi wrote in his blog: "He went to the end of the summer ... "Never forget


Saturday, August 8, 2009

Fifth Disease And Menstruation

Hard to believe, right? xD
habich After a day changed my design! XDD
stupid, right? X'D
nya, i just wanted to talk a little trial and error and I then searched forever and avatars ...
it took so long x'D
but I looked in nu zurfrieden with the results ... we present t does not change so fast XD
nya hab, I all day by the way Sailor Moon ... Oh jah, which are really childhood memories x'D I'm no longer the case forever angschaut *__*~
makes this so much fun \u0026lt;3333

Friday, August 7, 2009

Learn How To Wax School

XD XD Finally Livejournal

Hallu Leutz, D

Hurrah! I've finally made a Livejournal opened to \u0026lt;3
Thanks Saku XD we sat the whole evening, it always x'D un
rumprobiert finally I'm done now XD
So here are some news from me in there are

XD Nya, have fun \u0026lt;3