Thursday, December 28, 2006

Brent Everett Corrigan Movie Togheter

2006 - Fragebogenklauerei reloaded

first Increased or decreased?

life is better without a scale. Probably neither.

2. Hair longer or shorter?


third Near-sighted or far sighted?


4th More money or less?

By the end of the year, Hartz IV level since BAföG satisfactory. no idea. Emotionally care less.

5th Spent more or less?


6th More moves or less?

Less. I feel better.

7th The hirnrissigste plan?

"[...] and when I'm studying first of all, I think that order in my files / cabinet in my / in my apartment, meet at least 6 hours a day, never go unprepared into a lecture, and entertain me in the evening student friends and a glass Rotweinmit my intellectual incredible indie-like and plan the revolution. And I was only smart stuff from me. "

8 most dangerous enterprise?

work at Subway.

9th The best sex?


10th most expensive purchase?

From Christmas / . birthday money soon to a video camera recommendations will be gratefully received

11 The best food

-home-cooked three-course dinner at the couple anniversary.? fish fillet with four spices, lamb with oyster sauce and basmati rice, Flambé Orange Pancakes with stracciatella ice.
- tart Crepes in France in the
Creperie - Abi-the gift of eating my "stepfather" in this rare Japanese restaurant in Dusseldorf (arg but pretentious)

12th The most impressive book?

not know. General reading frenzy.

13th The poignant film?

"The Last Kiss" BITCH!

14th The best CD?

Faust add, at least now. Still.

15th The most beautiful concert?

billy talent in Dortmund. Despite all of the children.

16th Most of the time spent with ...?

... P.

17th The best time spent with ...?

... P.

18th The predominant feeling in 2006?

AGAIN! AGAIN! YES! Thank you.

19th 2006 did the first time?

I accidentally drunk. Aspirin bangs.

20th done in 2006 after a long time?

Genossen.Gerne spent time with my family.

21st Three things that I would well like to give up?

Christmas Market (damn tourists). World Cup and the whole Wir-sind-Deutschland/Past/Pustekuchen-Gedöns, English tutorial inclusive stupid lehramtskommilitonen ("oh, we should read English books?" Aaaargh!)

22nd The most important thing of which I have to convince someone wanted?

I can do everything pretty well alone.

23rd The best gift that I have someone do?

no idea. I found the "Flattened Animals" - point to the driver's license at funny.

24th The best gift that someone gave me?

Not one, infinitely many * * shall drop

25th The most beautiful sentence that someone said to me?


26th The most beautiful sentence that I said to someone?


27th 2006 was one word ...?

Geil. Strictly speaking, I would

Sunday, November 5, 2006

Is The Osterizer Blender An Antique

cherry_onlyone @ 2006-11-05T23: 13:00

, as highly motivated and absolutely exemplary Student * cough, by now working my thirty pages, "English Synchronic Linguistics", but therefore all questions regarding the functions described in content (as you can see I express myself about to explain what this course is), the exercise director has always with a " Oh, yes it's tricky! " were answered followed by a few on the panel gekrakelten question mark, I save myself the torture. At least until tomorrow.
is also my voice right now anyway, only piece-bruck available - I was hit so fingers crossed that I can spend the Monday without comment. I content myself like two hours over with a knowing nod and a contemptuous snort all those whose weekend The laziness is exposed in practice (I think this sentence makes no sense).
Otherwise ...
... unripe persimmon should not really eat (even if one can "enjoy" it almost twice ...)
... need to remember our professors no longer really persistent, despite the fact that we deny elite university status, at the RWTH as scholars rather a shadowy existence.
... it is a mystery to me why Sunday shopping is always equated with consumer binge, are added, people who like to stand in queues for coming today their money.
... I'm secretly glad that our phone is broken, the phones have been sent to torment the humanity
... I wonder whether the men from falling asleep from the time in which they close their eyes is always so short.
... is "blogging" an over-valued boredom killer, and as for self-promotion I prefer working on my performance in the student life (so far, my role is limited but likely to be 'the people', but I do not study finally drama)
go .. I am now a French See film on ARD
... and wake on P., the look alone is stupid.
... although that would actually mean ...
so better not ....

way, there Infenktionen that are nasty enough time yet to go to the doctor. You can
not imagine how nasty you are.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Urban Decay Australia Blog

War & Peace

immer wieder the same messages ... it is a recurring loop of the same experiences.
talking is silver and silence is golden ......
actually means there is always, as in the forested border schrweit DO is back ... just something deep in me refuses to do that.
I would rather endure the brave and stick it away .... just need some time we never nachtreten then it is the cross simply overloaded.
me it is assumed that only permanent

..... thank you thank

Monday, October 9, 2006

Dining Room Table Height Dimension

nobody know what i mean

I just misunderstood ... why is that?
can not express myself? I am too stupid?

I never said that I end this relationship, I'm just trying to look for asking a dialog ...
I used to be taught that it is better to sleep one night over it to make decisions with a clear head to. is this wrong?

in this moment I feel the fear and the demand .... more than ever ... why? I'm desperate .. you understand me just wrong.
one asks me a question and expects no response yet ...

what should I do?

How Long Do You Live With Stage 4 Lung Cancer

cherry_onlyone @ 2006-10-09T16: 34:00

5 things I have not, but would like to have: *

student loans (ne, I will not go because I have to say yes to strangers.)
* hair care products. Or a haircut. Maybe just a new head.
* a little self-confidence
* er a amagotchi (Friends are overrated.)
* A PONY 11einseinseins a

5 things I have, but rather not have:!

* split ends
a phone phobia
* * a roommate who is incredibly Motzigkeit sleep deprivation and not a separate room where I am at least before his mood could hide a lot of dishes to wash
* *
so I've even heard that I was a little bit, just a little bit sorry for himself;)

5 things I did not and would not have: * athlete's foot

* pregnancy *
* a * a business student

5 things I have and want to be without any reason in the world: (! P.)

PPPPPP * * an own apartment
* rolling R
* thanks to two jobs, nice donation, and money from the office - no financial needs money (that for now) *
Aachen City Library, one block further brought

Friday, September 22, 2006

Sewing Patterns Free For Exotic Dancewear

cherry_onlyone @ 2006-09-22T22: 01:00

complete surprise my mother, except a lot of Portuguese sweets, blot with a request that has to be fast, for me and my brother each a 50 euro note from my grandmother.
kindness matters In this gesture, however, one should not overestimate (quote "they refused to buy you gifts"). So far, my grandmother used such "gifts" for the sole purpose of forcing us to report to you that we must sometimes listen to her personally, what are we really nasty children.
Well, maybe you can give me to make too ungrateful, but I'm talking about and from painful experience.

matter-the point is this: Zm first time in months I have money again! So money for something FOR ME! Not for power, not for rent, not for personal hygiene items, not for food - for unnecessary stuff FOR ME! ME !!!!!

Well, actually ...

.... I would have to charge my cell phone. Keep the money until I got the confirmation of student loans (well. I'm just the first enrolled for a week ... and had to work a lot .. and soziophob for official rigmarole *__*;..).
my only jeans is torn in several places (not broken bought-worn broken. but something of "true"). My underwear also.
Not to mention the impending costs of studying literature.
So I bought a mini-skirt SILLY COW! TWENTY EURO +___+. The price tag is from the same part would also be on Ebay for under ten, I already have half a dozen short skirts, in the thing you can sit down and too small ncihtmal auch.Zu he is short anyway. After all, talking to now already in Aldi a couple, if I want them to "eat spaghetti."


Thursday, September 7, 2006

Zboost Yx510-pcs-cel Satellite Dish

cherry_onlyone @ 2006-09-07T11: 14:00

From eight clock! Which monster except a contractor leaves a twenty year old (ie noise from the earliest 11 Clock to be acknowledged more than a loud snoring) wait for EIGHT CLOCK IN THE MORNING!
I am virtually a prisoner in my own apartment. Where is Amnesty International remains, if one really needs their Unterstützunh? I want
signature collections! Demonstrators! Highly emotional letters to politicians! Feeding packages! Liberations!
Hurry! Finally, the last library stacks already been read and remain the strings of marks on my fingers to elicit from the ever more desperate attempts P. 's guitar is a neat sounding F, there probably until the worms, refresh the on my body, gnawed off (or as Whatever you call what worms do so was) are what is only a matter of time.
it it still takes a solid hour, until the end of my martyrdom.
If I previously have not already mad, or worse, succumb.

It is strange when you realize not to be alone more basic condition, but the exception has become. When the body relaxes automatically as soon as you hear the door open, not everything at the sound if it falls into the lock.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Cleaning Aluminum Trailers

Online Games - Games - Action - Strategy

online games (also known as
Internet games) are computer games that are played online
over the Internet.

is an example of any client-server-based online game FPS
the communication between server and client are highlighted in more detail.

first In the first instance to notify the game server (dedicated server
or list server) on a master server (via TCP packets and
a fixed port).

second The master server now takes the IP address, the name of the server and the server
the desired port, and with all the global in its list of

third The client connects to the master server via a fixed port
, again via TCP, and this validates it by a client have been sent key
its legality.

4th The client now receives from the master server (via TCP) a list of all
servers worldwide that presents the client in a server browser, the client can
filter according to certain criteria.

5th The client can now connect to a game server selection
, and after a short authentication by multiple TCP packets
(game version comparison, validation of content, etc.) to a pure
UDP connection changed.

6. With the help of complex mechanisms such as Entity interpolation, input lag
Prediction and Compensation by
lost packages and high response times resulting problems are compensated (asynchronous
different clients) (see web link).

Switching to UDP is
due to the time-critical environment
(risk of lag and thus sensitive disruption of the game feeling) is necessary, since bandwidth and response time is saved (no confirmation from
server with respect to receipt of packets as TCP usual) .
Unlike HTTP, FTP, IRC, etc. in online games are not for
used as a transfer application layer protocols such
seen as part of the game engine and not by their disjoint

online games
also Massive Multiplayer online games are - The
term massively multi-player online game (MMOG) or
English Massively Multiplayer Online Game
means a type of computer game that gives players a virtual world
persistent and very many (often several thousands)
players (multiplayer) can be simultaneously over the Internet played
. interact

Typically and communicate with each other, players
shape and thus the progression of the virtual world together.

The oldest most MMOGs emerged in the early 1990s as online role-playing game . Here, a
created fictional game character in a virtual world that runs through
interaction (conversation / trade / battle) with the other players or computer-generated tasks
developed further. The most common

browser games are structure and strategy games . Here the players take control of
as a football team a
city, state or whole planet ,
must manage skillfully and successfully against other players
be. Often it is the question of providing certain resources (money / iron /
workers, etc.), translate them into active characters (shopping fielder / building build / build war equipment)
with this opponent's pieces (computer generated or other
Games damage to r)
repel or. The first game this type was developed in Hamburg, German and English SOL
, which was launched in October 1995. Other early games
this category
the English Games Hattrick were (1997) and launched in 2000 Planet Arion, in the course
the time, more than 175,000 games had r. The first German-language
game with more than 10,000 players was Galaxy Wars that to their weddings
estimated 60,000 - to 80,000 had registered players. The exact number
could not be determined because of many multiple accounts. n

As with other computer games also plays a major role use of cheats. Besides
fraud with technical options (cheat programs at
client-based Internet games
n / script based on browser / exploit bugs and
cracks) are however still add the so-called multi-accounts. By anonymous
Registration can control a person more "players" simultaneously
and that gives them an unfair advantage. Thus, an account with
received support from several "multinational" one game advantage
, which do not arise in normal interaction with real people would
. In addition, these accounts will be used like a spy in enemy
parties because of their own account would stand out there.
this problem try increasing the operator through the establishment and
control of access rules (eg only one player per computer
/ Internet) to counteract

The question whether the use of certain hardware or software a
Cheat is a controversial procedure. Specifically, as a cheat recognized
in FPS games like Counter Strike, for example, programs that
means of which a player can see through walls or with which he can recognize the
position of other players in a way not provided for
in the game are.

However, there are cases (especially in hardware), in which it is
controversial whether there is a case of cheating or not. It
are now a number of input devices, where the user
certain key sequences can take on a button to help you organize the service, to
. Since players are banned for cheating from the game
may, the discussion is whether this is cheating,
not as trivial as it appears at first glance. For in the case
should the player not use this hardware and would
any of the hardware drivers installed, uninstall to avoid
termination of his account.

Due to the large number of players who carry the
different times of the game, it takes a full game usually
several months, sometimes years. Many Online Games even know even
no fixed end. The average time varies
between one hour a week (Eg a turn-based football game
two "games" per week) up to several hours per day. Since it is
interaction with other players, it happens that some actions
late into the night (4-5 clock in the morning) planned and
should be monitored. This can of course also arise complications
the normal daily routine, in the jargon Real Life. In this context,
we discuss Internet addiction. Due to the during the game intensively cultivated contacts with other / online games / "> Online players
there may be loads Prioriätenverschiebungen the real social environment
give. Scientific studies of this issue, however, still
in the early stages.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Irregular Heart Beat More Condition_symptoms

angelsdustle @ 2006-08-16T21: 10:00

today was such a typical Wednesday ... actually some of it was there but have enough orders to be completed by cancellation or card.
was pretty much a real good mood tag .... why are they actually .. it was great

Well tomorrow will be really easy unless there is still something to see because of se or sa .....
except for the fact that I've got no money :-( I hope it comes the need for weeks yet .... yes, some bills are paid.

I now know why pacifier Sun pissig is ... I have her birthday oops forgot ... oh well shit happens

must go to see what the next weeks run, the critical month of work I've got over a week now and if the money is then yes it fits and if not then the thing I have done work not so for free

Well it's my birthday soon and somehow pisses me off the tag so right .... let's see who it get me this year to screw up the day ... laughing

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Hoe Much Does It Cost Going At Woodburry

somewhere where I was born and died

I'm afraid of the forgotten
No Pain remains no feeling ... No second chance to say how much i miss you ... rest in peace

Friday, August 11, 2006

International Driving Permit Template

Your Love Is My Pain

Your lips pressed into the flesh of my
The wild distorted
The orgasm of vulnerability
The soul cries out for more
Just come to my small world
friss And through you up to the scaffold
biting cold every cell of my skin raw
And you remain empty
have destroyed
only for seconds this noise experienced
And you remain empty
have lied and cheated
And for all you only own two eyes in his head projected

And the left and right ears
And as dead as a blind fish
me you can not understand
No - you will never understand me Only you can
talk about me
you it is a shit if it's true or not
Because in the end it shall never up
You are the final authority
You are the rule for instance
You are the murderer Two eyes
In brief moment
as blind arrogance
spraying you your wisdom
your falsehood - Your Addiction
And you are aware nothing
your stupidity is the desire
The your mind slowly erased
And you remain empty
destroyed for seconds this ecstasy experienced
And you need more
You have to lie and cheat And in all of
Do you see me in the light??

two eyes in his head and the ears left and right
And so numb like a blind fish
you I can not understand
No - you'll tell me never understand
Leave Only you can about me
you it is a shit if it's true or not
Because in the end it shall never up
You are the final authority
You are the rule for instance
You are the murderer Two eyes
not in the conversation your strength
In the monologue are you looking for the victims
Their existence you alive keeps
two eyes in his head
And heart in the wrong place
You stay the echo of our time
You are the voice far and wide
Not many words I'd like to make
For thou art really enough
probably you will laugh again
long as I drink the blood

two eyes in his head and the heart in the wrong place
And so numb like a blind fish
You do not know what you can understand
No - you will never understand me
You'll never understand me !

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Are Stobe Light S Ileagal On A Ca

... this blood stands for my pain. ...

sheer stress I come to haunt me ... not a lot of ideas through the head but I have no time to implement them.
the previous time has the t-com.
in a few weeks is a new project of mine at the start.
I'm going to report something here for you to come

Monday, August 7, 2006

Mount And Blade. What Do You Get From Skills?

I'm desperate now I'm really

because I do not know where I should sleep ...
I do not know how they thought the earlier ....
I roam the night in search of a bed for hours since I

I have headache and cold sweat on the forehead
I do not know what to do ....

I find nowhere a cheap pension, etc.

I do not dare to ask her if I could sleep on the couch

Sunday, August 6, 2006

Wards Ap Biology Lab 8 Answer

times pissig

... I get up just before the a7 bispingen and the motorway is fully closed, actually I wanted to push ahead today to have more time but it is apparently feierabend Well we
nothing of this I am going home ... and because I am looking forward it.

I stöber nebebei the net for an apartment up here are a few things but let's see

slowly the words fail me .....

Homemade Corn Flake Krispies

... кровавая боль ...

one weekend is over and I'm fighting with myself for days ...
I fight with myself but I do not know against.
it is the opponent can not see. how can you beat someone that you can not see ....

course you can run away only when it can not look in the mirror, then you have lost everything not only his pride

I will see what the future .... But somewhere I know what makes them ;-)
in such moments I sometimes think out what would have happened if I had then gone to France ...

sometimes I really wonder what's going on?
it comes to any small things or actually a profound insights

Saturday, August 5, 2006

Plastic Projection Screen

beauty of the razor back to Sunday

it's that time again ......
I need it again ......

Well Well it has caught up with me and somehow I'm not even disappointed about it .... prefer now as then but the full program

run away from my past I do not need because it is currently ... well ... then .... it was time ... every day just had fun and not over tomorrow and thought at some point came the turn and then came the memories ... since I see many things differently

I close my eyes and my dreams to myself .. I see salvation, I see blood and I feel this pain ... .
me this pain free for a few moments ...
this very painful, to whom I am always reminded when I look in the Mirror.

.. do these memories are so painful I like them so I love them even

so long, we'll see what the future ... yes it is finally in my hands I have no idea what

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Can A Person Survive Pneumonia

yesterday everything went wrong but it certainly everyone will have drawn his conclusions out of it.
For my part, looking now I have to think of it .... as it is converted jumped me.

since I only have to go rumnörgle and our imagination with respect to radio apart I decided to stop there.
a meaningful conversation was not very simply possible ....

have certainly made mistakes but I am so so manufactured to ..... well it .... has once again proven that it makes no sense ...

I was in every respect the black been pushed peter ... of course it is easier to look for blame and fault in others

two phone calls I have wanted to talk with your eyes open but the person with whom I was ... cowardly

it goes ... I know ... but what happens next is anybody like

Summer Wildflower Wedding Bouquets

The word 'speechless

long time was reasonably calm
and now I'm scarred with bleeding through live .......

if you do not get along with me, it tells me