cherry_onlyone @ 2006-09-07T11: 14:00
From eight clock! Which monster except a contractor leaves a twenty year old (ie noise from the earliest 11 Clock to be acknowledged more than a loud snoring) wait for EIGHT CLOCK IN THE MORNING!
I am virtually a prisoner in my own apartment. Where is Amnesty International remains, if one really needs their Unterstützunh? I want
signature collections! Demonstrators! Highly emotional letters to politicians! Feeding packages! Liberations!
Hurry! Finally, the last library stacks already been read and remain the strings of marks on my fingers to elicit from the ever more desperate attempts P. 's guitar is a neat sounding F, there probably until the worms, refresh the on my body, gnawed off (or as Whatever you call what worms do so was) are what is only a matter of time.
it it still takes a solid hour, until the end of my martyrdom.
If I previously have not already mad, or worse, succumb.
It is strange when you realize not to be alone more basic condition, but the exception has become. When the body relaxes automatically as soon as you hear the door open, not everything at the sound if it falls into the lock.
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