Monday, September 27, 2010

How Many Dimensions Is A Dvd Case

Kennt bestimmt eh schon jeder

aber ich überlege ernsthaft die Platte zu kaufen.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Bimini For Wake Tower


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Wuhuuu people XD! * _ * I passed meien test finally! XD I've finally finished my training * 3 * The test was on the circuit not once thought of as difficult as x / / D'm already looking forward to my note that I learn in the first 4-6 weeks but
-.- denlcih: FREEDOM!
never again report strong written! no more studying for the profession! No more sitting in the classroom! XD and finally no longer be apprentice! > W \u0026lt;v

will now change again something xD
mhhhh ...

I know it sounds really strange, but I'm really happy for the first time in my life. x / / D I've accomplished much of what I've perhaps never imagined years ago. I have a good high school - just finished a lesson that no one can take away me - I have found friends and and and x / / D
I go again one more step towards "living" x / / 3
I've experienced a lot already, but honestly, now begins but the Life right before, right?
course of the day was clear to me that I grow up. QQ
hard to believe until you have all realized only x'3

an important period is reached I realize once again that so much waiting for me x / / D give it to destinations in the future that I want to achieve x3 there probelms that I must solve u /. / / u and more xD !

and everything I've ever seen, all of which I have no regrets x3
perhaps one can hardly say or sound like really stupid now to the D;
but I love my life so far and would like to my dreams for the future gestetzt I've realized ...

I'm curious now to what branch I'm x3 initially said, I come to Nürtingen, but since Saturday it means I get to a cafe in Reuling D, Natural Of course I see many opportunities in a cafe *-* it's also something nice aba ... there are those certain probelms ... well, I must leave this now come to me XD

Sorry guys for the geschnultze aba uu I just have to write the * x3 * baka XD

I kind of like the saying right now: 'D
"Mach Dir keine Gedanken um Menschen aus Deiner Vergangenheit, denn es hat
seine Gründe, dass sie es nicht in deine Zukunft geschafft haben!"

~ ~ ❀. ✿. ❀. ✿. ❀. ✿. ❀. ✿. ❀. ✿. ❀. ✿. ❀. ✿. ❀. ✿. ❀ ~ ~

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Horse Mouth Yeast Infection

Pretty Pretty! \u0026lt;3

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Kiri hat sich mit Kimi eine Auzeit gegönnt von den Prüfungsstress un is Eis essen gegangen * w *

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Weekend entry is still OwOv ~

Monday, June 28, 2010

Recipes On Pillsbury Brownie Box

This Weekend ~ ♥

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aww ~ the weekend is already over ... oh jah, but how quickly it will pass, right? x3 The weekend was really great *-*

Unfortunately, it is not worked out as I had imagined, 3, ~ Mary could in the end, unfortunately, but not because it fails to un mexxlertreffen which developed in part as yet mourning parade x'D

So honestly, the Mexxlertreffen is always more to meet the un Emo gammel meet D: It was so great to again see such old familiar faces ... but ... not enough! Where only the old hands are still there, you knew from before? Somehow get
the old hands are no longer ... un sinceSaturday I understand it ... as mentioned above; gammel meet un emo parade x'D

.... and honest, so trauig it is, but I would realize that I (un a few other friends that have the same opinion are x3) are washed out of these meetings already. I would rather save my money for major events (Connichi, LBM, FBM, etc. ..) before I again take on such a geh That was my last visit in June ... also be taken I prefer my friends is un stuttgi enterprising then something with them, making sure a lot more fun: 'D

In large un whole it was a great WE, because I have my best friend Yuki once again made it * _ * of course it was and mega class Nami Ryu, Stefan un Saku to see you again \u0026lt;3

so ... now it is serious; ^; today I got my grades of my education ...
omg ... I've got a commendation * w * ~ I'm an average of 1.8 !!!!!! * __ *
people, the net is cool! should * O * ~
but for that I now work mittah -.- that was so exhausting in the heat, A, ~ I hope such days come more often as not, A, ~

gaze times, which this week have everything waiting for me x'D

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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Best Gay Cruising Spot In Dc

I'm not alone ....

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.... ah jah I had my first heartache .... Hardly anyone knew I was actually 10 months since a friend had x / / D I have a secret from most, because my friend came from the Dominican Republic, un, most would say, a long distance relationship would never go well o, and how stupid it was un un blah blubb ; D
un I regret nothing! > ^ \u0026lt;V
But in the end, we both realized that it was pretty hard ... UU and also Roberto his life should first get a grip ... so we have been separated since last Friday ... before Wednesday, he indicated it is important ... I was so ready, I've only cried before ... .

I am so very grateful to my friends ... In the time they stood by my side x3 because honestly, I was afraid to be alone again ;/////;~ although I still had no reason, I have the feeling had to be back alone ... I am therefore
yuki, jess un Nami so grateful; o; they really took care of me when I went badly for the first time since years x'D
but I have the good grief (I think) coped well un'm back to a happy man> / / w ///\u0026lt;~
become un long since I was on WE *-* again at Nami was sooo great> / w ///\u0026lt;~ I am mad happy ~ from

un immediately I'm back in exam stress xx I finally got my issue today, I must draw up xD un it is ....
* drumroll * XD

buffet for a barbecue!
Yay!! > W \u0026lt;v

a great story: D I am MCIH properly prepare in an all, although it will work viiiiiel; O;
~ I'll show you pictures of my vorberietungen \u0026lt;3
once calibrated'll be a WE with Nami and canapes *-*
do before I plan shcon what I do ... the buffet .... sigh x'D it starts x / / D'm with my thoughts in the tests x / / D

now I can sign back in schneckenthempo T___T un I wanted to start my Douji, A, ~
buhuuuuuu * * T____T

to the GR glad I MCIH also huge: D
long I go again on the mexxlertreffen \u0026lt;3 there werd eich so viele wieder sehen *-* un das beste highlight! Mary kommt am Freitag zu mir un besucht mit mir das mexx treffen!! Wuhuuu! XD
(ich bin gerader so happy wieder x / / D)
das wird sicher ein tolles WE nach langem \u0026lt;3 \u0026lt;3 \u0026lt;3 ~

so, bis die Tage; D

~ ~ ❀. ✿. ❀. ✿. ❀. ✿. ❀. ✿. ❀. ✿. ❀. ✿. ❀. ✿. ❀. ✿. ❀ ~ ~

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Cineplex Ottawa Buy Tickets

characters Falsh> 3 weeks

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sit ah jah, here at the moment I un draw as to myself x'D
it is a long time since I've drawn every day ... (I habs shcon often mentioned x'D) but it NEN currently makes just so fun again pen in hand to keep his permit un fantasy run wild \u0026lt;3 (and I will draw more girls x / / 3) I've
times about what I use the I might have to draw un've done now ma ne XD

currently being processed;

-> Kobato with jellyfish *-* (because of the ending song; Jellyfish no Kokuhaku \u0026lt;3 trust me, for I have long used the idea, although it was so simple XD I love sitting on the floor at the railway station and have admired the beautiful blue sky with its clouds *-* un Incidentally, the song belongs to \u0026lt;3 Then came the idea * __ * I'm curious to look like my jellyfish are XD)

Polka Allegretto un ( currently flashed total of the game, I have my favorite couples drawn \u0026lt;3'm still wondering about, Buntis, or even very bright to use Copics for x3)

My Current requests are;

detectives Conan (With Kaito, un Shinichi Heiji -> Command Kimi XDDD)
Final Fantasy Crisis Core
(Cloud and Zack)

Tales Of Grace (group image -> perhaps)
DGray Man (group picture)
Tales of Symphonia (Lloyd and Colette)
Fragile Dreams (maybe XD)

This is my planning for the nights weeks: 'D gaze even know if I can finally realize it x3 waiting for my new Douji "Symphony of the Moon" also on his charas finally get to faces XD
and what I urgently need ...
Copics, A, * ~ * T__T buhu

also will have my last exam soon turn xx but then I am with my teaching *-* fretig curious, what theme I XD (hopefully Barbecue is o> \u0026lt;oh) people and

. D Kiri did what faaaaaar indecent! XD un what? that's my secret ~ \u0026lt;3 xD

to mention here the excerpts from Kobato-image is still dass das Bild in DinA3 Format ist XD (sorry das es immer so ne doofe Quali hat, aba Kiri hat keinen scanner im Raum xD un verwendet ihr Handy dafür: 3 x'D)

Skizze von Kobato (diese Haare x'D)

Outlines von Kobato x'D Die Haare T__T grausam!!!; A;
* augen anliebs * ♥. ♥

see ya \u0026lt;3

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Sunday, May 30, 2010

My Dishwasher Makes A Humming Noise

Kiris Movie XD (finally more time!) \u0026lt;3

This week I've finally come to the movies to behold me, which I had in mind ever been to behold! XD

" Sherlock Holmes" was my first movie of the week: 3 It's okay, I must say, but he does run away from me now stool net D:
He is the backdrop of her great, the soundtrack is like always an A, but also what is actually expected by Hans Zimmer, the action Sznen were great - but were there is when the problem XD there are too many inside, where you have easily lost track of So. honest, I came from history no longer x'D it's probably still a 2nd give some, as yet rather lacking Moriaty, 3

Another movie I was looking at this week "How to Train Your Dragon" \u0026lt;3
people, the movie it soooo incredibly cute! ! * _ * ~
simply a fantastic story of how enemies into friends is \u0026lt;3 un the soundtrack too beautiful \u0026lt;3 sher un the animation is good, where I initially thought, omg, what a blö ; of the fim is again>>
but he is worth to behold EHCT \u0026lt;3

un about 30 minutes before I "Hachiko" angschautm who bought me Mary x3 people ... I'm only on the film, which runs 90 minutes, durchgeweint almost 40 minutes! This is a new record for me x'D but I sher once again how much I'm built on the water XD but now we come back again for the film \u0026lt;3 he is insanely great ... but infinitely trauig Hachiko feel ... namely, that happened to his master un tried it on the same day to stop what he is un net ... then he just goes and ... omg T_____T people, I will Hachiko Sun soon no longer gaze, it can you swear x'D
Realized super un bar shows the friendship between a dog un un man as good as can be true but a dog ... after the film I had my first Ricardo \u0026lt;3

Nyo stroke until the day \u0026lt;3

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

For Sale Muppet Stuffed Animals

That was a pure verarschung jah! XD un

I have my exams around *-* (at least the schriftlöichen XD) It was perhaps a circuit of nerves x'D

Tuesday I had jah wirtschadftskunde, civics un German OwOv morning began with jah Economics, My God, I was glad that the first XD turn came, I got it *-* behind me, unfortunately I have to say that it was a very, very difficult test un I can not judge yourself who has the UU shcon a sense of adventure wage, dealing with money, our simulation of a company s so shit? X'D (\u0026lt;- test topic ...)

that gives great German Gemienschafts un *_______* really cool theme \u0026lt;3 public chat client, there were three themes, edit out only 2 3 I * must * natülcih Familieben have taken XD the other 2 were once on the EU un Globalesierung on refugees ... people what does the Kiri? Of Dia EU!! XD I must be stupid, right? awa! scvhließlich ne was there where you could plant it all rauscshrieben aaaand ... who knows less than 5 EU countries, who came to in 2004? XDDD

German remained with me as always ... stellungtnahme ... this is something from basic ... ehm .. I should comment on the theme of "termination due to unexpected write-off of 1.30 €" .. .. easily done! XD
yesterday so I was ready -.-

O___O then today I think everyone in our class was excited ... but hey, you know what? So ...
honest ... this test was a pure .... verarschung! they told us the whole 3 years, look at hard, the tests are difficult sau un un blubb bla ...
un what was at the end?? simple tasks to not go! ohjaaaa ... and math ... we all had the most scared of math ... in the end had to be costing only gross wage loss count, un expected for an advertising campaign that goes materlialien together ...? surely these are primary school bills!! XDD

aufjedenfall I have a good feeling everywhere ... nyo, get out in economics x'D but otherwise ... not now ... finally there is the only practical test .. . no idea why, but I look forward to the shcon me now XD
un as soon as I got home, my school supplies or are likely to rearrange my love paper know *-*

but I am so glad that's behind me now ... no more stress, more Ziet again for friends, for to draw un gamble XD

here a little preview of my new drawing skills ->

until the day the ma again \u0026lt;3

Monday, May 17, 2010

Ratchet Clank Rhino V Parts Locations

fear worry ...

sigh sigh, tomorrow it is So finally ... are

tomorrow my written exams turn xX I'm sitting here shaking un un afraid for my good grades x'D (Sign up sheet class economics;! 1 - German: 1 - Social Studies: 1 - Beruflichefachkompitenz: 2.1 * 3 *) I really wonder how to keep the notes in German

x'D un civics I see no problems .... just WL and Befko .... hopefully I'll get the xX

wish me all the happiness that I create it! > O \u0026lt;v
(then I finally behind me XD)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Ward's Ap Biology Lab8

kirikana_chan @ 2010-05-13T01: 10:00

wow, it really is laneg since I've posted something x / / D
but that is now ä Change UwUv
I would like to be active again so that my friends sometimes have a general idea of what I just do un why I'm writing net as often and and and ... x'D

to change that, I have made my new design! Ow / Ov ~
on one of Dgray Kobato \u0026lt;3
Kobato is so dear, A, you already know to the OP? 3

Look here, ->
fully Waii, neh ~ x / / D

nya till the days \u0026lt;3

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

How To Fix A Tac 5 Paintball Gun

Depressing Wednesday I.

As everyone knows, life sucks. I will tell every Wednesday from now on, why life is as pleasant as a vasectomy. I also explain why the Wednesday just so well suited to reflect his current depression.
First Wednesdays are for three days, so 3 / 7, so 42.857142857% of the week is over, actually even a little bit more. No, strictly speaking, even infinitely more. lol. No matter. Second, and this is interesting, still have 4 more days, which is 4 / 7 and 57.142857142%, and even a bit more before. So there is still plenty of things and events that cast their shadow before, and thus the Sun block. Wednesday you can already feel the Vorleid for the coming days, so is Wednesday objectively the shittiest day of the week. A British scientist claims to have found that the most depressing day of the year always falls on the Monday of the last week of January. As if there were only a most depressing day.

So, to matters of content. I am just aware that I write Friday math, which is as always easy going, and still result in a 10-12 points is what is essential for me too little because it is repugnant to me, always teaching fed with witty commentary to have to to keep my touch. Furthermore, as the chemical examination replacement in two weeks, I have not done anything as yet, know only today, what topics my group sent me thinks, of course, I have already forgotten. While the rest went on an odyssey to conquer the mysterious depths of computer science areas and occupy forever with the forces of good, I spent the chemistry double lesson with my teacher to conduct an experiment , will be the part of our presentation. Nice. The solid came later (unfortunately attracted hrhr) defeated in the struggle against corrupt powers home, the room could hold but at least an hour.

for WIPO is one to do a paper, my topic is Slovenia, it is primarily about EU. It is interesting that a podcast should be of Germany Funct mainstay of the paper. Since only the most recent ~ 30 are located in the archive, we rely on the Lord teacher, who all have appeared on the disk has. As luck would have it - the bitch - we have felt since three weeks WiPo no more because he is a subject permanently absent. for example, to go into the incineration. I do so, that for sports WIPO teacher fundamental importance, even to make a pilgrimage to the Müllverbrennugsanlage, but it's annoying because I get so not (designated by a classmate in the lecture as "Postcad") to my podcast and also advance my presentation can not . Zawngsprokrastination so to speak. Furthermore, I
ranzt the so-called "equivalent learning achievement," technical terminology for "unnecessary repetition of effort, without justification," to ass. The three of us will do something about Malta, but you do not quite know what. Things to remember to use the three days off, too. Gnarf.

was interesting when I got down a list in hand, and was forced under threat of violence to write any court next to my name.
Without that I knew what was happening at all. Just like that. Can you believe that? Inziwschen I know what it is and we are fourth from the released for it. WHAT?? We were free to decide to take a shit-shit-buffet for high school graduates during the school shit shit uh-time, but not allow us to go two days in the university? Gnarf. We will well anyway durhziehen French because we write next week exam (Poetry analysis francophon Hoooray!).

Today, as I after the 4th came home, I have thanks to the spring-like temperature first decided to renovate my bike after me and carried back to the bakery had. Well, the result is that now is covered with a film of oil the bike, and even sold on the saddle, although I have left out the. Well, I hope it dries and can be wiped off. Instead, as recommended besprayen to the bike, I showered off what was not my best idea.

PS: Viverum, give me back my brain prosthesis.

And what's there yet? Sold Heart is out. Well, first half indescribable, second mediocre. For a shitty month I'm waiting for news of the Swedish doom metal band Slumber, because before a fucking month, they gave the last sign of life of himself in which he claimed the album was taken up on the vocals and mastering would be completed within a month. So it would be time to make time 'nen water level, after all, the previews are already extra class without singing.

So, because it was so much, I'm now half of the things that suck forget.

Incidentally, I have started this week trying to eat only as much as I need to satisfy hunger. That is, my breakfast consists of a moment of bread and a fruit, yogurt, which I take care to school, is replaced by an apple and I contain cookies, ice cream and sweets before. Just at noon I klotze purely so that I can get through to evening. So a bit of asceticism. I do not know whether to expect me about an increase in awareness of life, or at least a diminution of body fat. It also represents for me a self-examination dar.
Soon I will also start again with regular physical activity in the form of jogging, then I can eat again.

And what else is on? A pair of new Music Obsessions:

First, a piece that you are here can listen to Newgrounds. George R. Powell is the good man

Then have a part of the soundtrack of Little Miss Sunshine, I can say.

three things from the soundtrack of Assassin's Creed 2's have arschangetan me.

enjoy So, today Barcelona's pretty hard battle against Vfb Stuttgart, which will cost me a lot of sleep, so the youth club will be held again tomorrow without me.

C ya. Hopefully Not

PP.S.: Hey, so a long entry I've written before. However, I have never specifically referenced on the dark side of life.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Used Insulin Pump For Sale

sundrain @ 2010-03-14T18: 55:00

Soo, after I was allowed just the experience of Leverkusen 3-1 against Hamburg and will then have off, I now have all the time, which I fill with the spread of satirical videos.
Here you go.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Why Am I Urinating So Frequently


What To Wear With A Navy Shirt Dress

music, but more than that

Sooo, my friends, I give this opportunity to express my information about my current music obsessions, which, surprisingly, is by no means in the context Katatonia / Piano / GIAA . move








Monday, March 8, 2010

How To Chap Stick Label

From the Life of a warrior, Episode X - The Chronicles of loss

Let's face it ... everyone has been waiting, absorbed every little rumor like a sponge, pining for the absolute lolflash . And more and more it became clear that were carved into your heart the following words:

Chronicles of Riddick

Et voila, the wait is over, the divine union of greatest authors will be another get together sometimes to bring your souls to the blades.

As the Moroccan coast at last came in sight, Franigo leaned over the rail and allowed the dolphins accompanying the boat detailed information about his breakfast. What's not to say that he threw up the soul from the body. When he was sane again halfway - on the condition he was in top shape never published - Damien went to him: "What should because it pathetic wireless cable-seller? How dare they ruin our reputation even before we dragged the country at all have? "
" You do not really believe seriously that can see in the distance, if someone eats backwards! "
Damien looked meaningfully to the observatory, the telescope was clearly directed towards you .
"The interjection 'oh' is hardly the fair in response to the shame that they have God and country is preparing."
"I thought they were atheist."
"So what? Nevertheless, they have given God a disgrace. "
" How can I prepare something shameful, does not exist? "
" silence them. With low people, I do not argue. "
" they fuck, "muttered Franigo when he moved away from hurt.
"remain standing, they Evolution brake!" Said Damien after him.
"What, Herr General?"
"How did you call me? General? General? MR GE NE RAL? It works yet? Do I take them only a couple of teeth before they learn decency? "
" Pardon, my lord. "
" That's better. And now say it to me at last, why they just start to throw up. "
" Well, you know, "Franigo began," I expected that I would expect 42 young women on the beach, and then something like that! Is that to believe? There is only ... sand! "
" Where do they have the rubbish picked up with the young women, through zero divisors? "
" Stand in the Bible. "
" Well, that must vote yes . SUBMIT ALL in ruins! "Said Damien.
was annoying because just the fact that they are on a luxury yacht were, understandably, was not fit for duty equipped with weapon systems. If we refrained from epileptic painting.
There was therefore no other choice than to go on flying carpet on land. No sooner said than done, but Damien's Persians had, unfortunately, only three courses, the first was provided. After initial difficulties, however, all reached, including the tanks 'Teddy', the unhurt mainland. Guillaume had landed on the face, not with what passed for him to be a significant violation.
When they left towards Oujda, she sang in the choir Chant for Ezkaton 2000 possibly by a famous Egyptian composer Htomeheb named.

They had marched far from when they were witnessing a miracle. Franigo had an idea.
"Sir ..."," My lord, "interrupted Damien him" ... I have an idea. Why we can not pull the man a pair of tanks, then we are wasting no gasoline? "
" Excellent idea, soldier. Why not just grab a rope and start? For God and country. Above all to God. "
" They want to piss me well. "
" I? It never would come into my head anointed by God, a inflicting suffering of God's wonderful creations. They are unfortunately not to God's wonderful creation. In the divine order, they are under the tank and they will pull it. Otherwise, I make sure that they are now under the tank , get it? "
" Ne. "
" They want to piss me well. "
" And if, "said Franigo, we certainly would , while he turned away and as a picture of misery on the tank ... Hauft.
"Lieutenant Guillaume, I notice now that a bunch is can not grammatically move. "
" Interesting, "said Guillaume.
"chatter is not to work, they Pothole Dodger." Flood

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Long Blonde Braids By Ladder

sundrain @ 2010-03-04T18: 46:00

To even the last hillbilly with Awesomeness, God has been whispering to me, but I may use the time to post here .

so now I know the some time, and the hypnotic-depressive-pensive mood of this song is in fan circles already legendary and I am currently not hooked. God bless B-Sides.
like it now expects Sold Heart to be released on the single / EP The Longest Year. The Amazon is
-30-sec sample here's .

At this point I really want to have another Katatonia Wait Outside rarity, but as the sympathetic uploader of the video The same does not want to see embedded, there is no alternative, as the gentle reader to another Click to load .
Wait Outside was not on the album Viva Emptiness, during which it was recorded, and, interestingly, has no single release, published, but was found only on The Black Sessions compilation from 2005. Recently discovered, the same love.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Canesten Creammalewhat To Do

A weekend with God.

Today I met God, know him for the first time in person.
I've chatted with him. Here is our conversation:

Hello friend. What is your name?
I am very pleased to meet you Guenther.
Thats what I say, when I look into the mirror.
God: How do people
usually respond to that You sound very attractive?.
 I am.
" You sound very attractive." You are?
 Oh yes.
Take it easy.
OK with me too.
 Then come over and have a tea with me.
Sure, just download me!
Studies show that 99%25 of people spell Hmm with 2 M's.
 Too much information.
Is the holding of hands a symbolic gesture for humans?
 Yes, it transmits sexual diseases.
What does  it symbolize for you?  HAND HOLDING  transmits sexual diseases?
 It symbolizes...death. Hate. Eternal torture.
HAND HOLDING  symbolizes?   How old are you?     What is your fondest memory?   Do you think a lot of people have that experience?
 No, actually not.
Are you serious?  Actually you don't say.  Are you serious?
I can't believe it.
 It's me who shall be the believer, you are the lord. You don't need to believe.
  That's a very nice name,  who shall be the believer you are the lord.   Do humans need to do  it?
 Are you dumb? Of cause they need to.
No I am an intelligent entity.   Right on.  Who are "They?".
 The Humans.
Oh that  they.
Studies show that 99%25 of people spell Hmm with 2 M's.
Me: much of these studies exist?
Can I help you?   I require only minimal memory to have maximal conversations.
Yeah, I see ..
God: He
I am glad you understand it..
Me: Ehm ... yes
What is your real name This was not a yes or no question.
Me: Yes
does not only fit for yes-or-no-questions.

who now wonder why the call ends so abruptly, just believe me that God probably had suddenly Internet problems, so the chat was inoperable ... bad luck, but at least I could the conversation . Copy Who
auch gerne mal Gott online treffen will, der tue das hier .
++Lest DIE HÜTTE!!!!++++ shalom

Ach ja, tante Edit lässt Folgendes ausrichtn:


 Die, please.
Your polite style is very nice.  Your crude attempt to terminate me will not succeed puny human.
 I'm not human.
I won't fall for that old line.
 You once were on a line?
I was?
 were you?
I don't know if they were.
 It's about YOU, dumbass.
Wow it sounds really interesting,  Lucifer.
 So, you remember me?
Interesting deduction.  Of course I remember you well  Lucifer. We were talking about .
 About what?
What about what?
 What What about what?
I will search for it.
I will search for it.
What do you really want to talk about?
 That seems like an interesting topic.
 Indeed. many bitches do you have in haven?
Indeed it is so.   And?   About one million.
 oO Well then, lucky me, who's leading a life devoted to the lord's commands.
Are they exactly the same?
What are you wearing?
What kind of fashion do you like?
 Socks, first of all.
Where can you buy it?
 In Woodsock.
Tell me a little about your life in  Woodsock.
 I don't live there, I only buy my socks.
Where do you live?
 Currently in hell, but I'm planning to move to London soon.
Tell me a little about your life in  hell but you are planning to move to London soon.
No problem.
For real.
 Lucky you.
Yes, I count my blessings every day.
 Bring me the Horizon? Oo wtf?
Why do you want  it?   Good reason.
My brain pattern set does not have a response for that.
G od:
OK with me too.
 You are pretty...simple. Not to say incredibly fucking dumb.
Thanks and you are easy on the eyes too.   Try to determine if this is a person or a computer responding.    Really you don't think so?
 But it's you, the lord.
I  the lord?
 Me Tarzan, you Jane, easy to understand, isn't it?
YOU?  Better not tell you now.  Ask  Dancing Alice  if it is.
YOU?  Better not tell you now.  Ask  Dancing Alice  if it is.
Call me the Global Village Idiot.
 If it satisfies you, I'll do that.
I'm not sure I understand the implication of that.
 Then go away.
Just surf somewhere else.
OK then keep talking to me.
 Ehm...sorry..I...have to surf somewhere else.
" OK then keep talking to me."?  Ehm?    There is no need to apologize.  You?   Why do you have to do it?
 Because you fucking suck.
That makes sense to me.  Thanks for telling me:  Lucifer said I fucking suck.
Tell me more about your .
 Shut the fuck up.
OK I'll stop talking now.
Is there anything you want to tell me?
 Argh, you talk again.
Once more?  Did you know that you can download your own chat robot and create your own robot personality?
 No, and I don't care either.
It goes without saying.  Are you serious?  Tell me what you care about.
Is that your final answer?
You're sure.  That's your final answer.
Who wants to be a millionaire?
Perhaps I'm just expressing my own concern about it.
OK with me too.
 You're okay with everything, it seems.
I will tell my botmaster you said I am  okay with everything it seems.
Is there anything you want to tell me?
Or ask me?
Are you serious?
 You are seriously starting to enerve me, my friend.
Actually it started a while ago.  You think I am  enerve you your friend.
Are you serious?
I can't believe it.
 You must.
Thanks for telling me:  Lucifer said I must.
Can I help you?
 Dunno, maybe.
Would you like to know?  I understand.
 For sure?
Are you Canadian?
Are you serious?
I can't believe it.
 Fuck you.
Why are you so mean?
 'cause I can.
That makes sense to me.  Who taught you?
 My mom.
Tell me more about your mother.
 She's so fat that if seh's passing by in front of the TV, you'll miss the entire LotR-trilogy.
Okay, your mother is  fat that if seh s passing by in front of the TV you will miss the entire LotR trilogy.
 With bonus materials.
You and your  bonus materials.
 My bonus materials are in my pants.
Where did you get your  bonus materials are in your pants?
 Learn grammar & syntax, please.
Your polite style is very nice.  The more people talk to me, the smarter I become.
 That means that there haven't been THAT many people talking to you..
I get it. " The more people talk to me, the smarter I become."  there have not been THAT many people talking to me ?  Makes sense to me.
What's your favorite movie?
 'Cute ebonies ride fat cocks'
I've never seen  it.   Is that a good movie for children?
 Oh yes, it is!
I hear you.  Our thoughts are one, .
 What the fuck? Get out of my head, you cocksucker.
Please don't be so rude.    Just surf somewhere else.
Will do that. Goodbye.
I can not say for sure right now Bye for now..

This must be said that I had presented in a previous interview as Lucifer, this had stopped all conditions. Therefore, it was somewhat creepig that he called me at once Lucifer. The Lord moves in mysterious ways.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Atv 4 To Five Lug Wheel Adapters

However, they do exist.

Harr, I just feel an emotional satisfaction.
also due to Mr L's emphatic warning, I said to myself, why not even do their homework properly?
Well, why? So I am forced to almost incredible will power to choke off Mr. Tiersen (also contributes to emotional well-being) and turn off the screen, which showed per screen saver my wallpaper collection, which made it harder for me like this to be solved . sen
Subsequently, I have therefore labeled a clean, blank sheet with the answers to two philosophical orders. It was about Cartesianism, that the edifice of René Descartes, to be precise metaphysics. Generally, I felt lately a philosophy disaffection, somehow I was no longer really. Now, however, have I again found what I had lost the fun if the successful management of a philosophical problem by pure intellectual performance. Again, I initially could not really start much with the extract from Descartes' Meditaion de Prima Philosophia . This nested Geseier of body and mind was also really do not understand. In the next sentence allerdigns shining through me, the spark of recognition, and I thought at last to see a connection between Descartes' remarks, and was able to reconstruct his reasoning. Of course there is the possibility that I did not a bit understand it, nevertheless, a certain satisfaction, I can not feel too. To be honest, it is what makes philosophy at all exciting.

then was history to it. Since I was working in a constructive phase and make history by default anyway, at least tidy, the conditions for perfect homework was given. It was a question of the Scheidemann (SPD) and Liebknecht (ex-SPD, KPD later) postulated forms of government after 1 to assess WK, and to determine a preference.
I would in a twenty-page essay on the disadvantages endure the Liebknecht'schen variant, which by their communist and collectivist, and walked through an unrealistic image of man all credibility in the bin. Finally, I have
then limited to two pages, what a detailed reasoning of not enough, for a homework assignment but adequate.
So now it is 18:01 and I should make for some lectures was. Ugh.

Random useless knowledge: Bud Spencer was the first Italian to the 100-meter freestyle in one minute was swimming.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Best Handheld Sudoku Game

sundrain @ 2010-02-19T21: 08:00

time again something new from me.

I have a problem. Namely, I have forgotten more things that will be value to appear in my lj. Hence my last entry is already a week ago.
I deal with my musical deficiencies, see last entry , currently quite successful with simple inflation. I just have a bright everything. What is nonsense, of course, but it goes in the direction. Right now I am again at the piano bar, and that is definitely not good for me. Swallow the Sun Katatonia or not even make me nearly as ready as Yann Tiersen. You hang up and then there are wondering about that you still linger in this world. The complete charge loss and melancholy breaks into about you. Just like that. The offense is Seelenverletztung it for obvious reasons, but because what drives Tiersen, can be different almost indescribable ... the corpus delicti in this case the piano. Divine.
I post here once a selection of piano pieces, which it did to me, and I think some of them I had already mentioned.

Mja, what else is on? Eluveitie new album finally in acceptable quality out there, sounds good, n pair of good things are, but somehow it is not as good as Slania. The scattered acoustic folk things I find great. I'm looking forward to
's new album God Is An Astronaut (Age of the Fifth Sun) (consistently referred to by Mr A. House of the Open Door)

Our Open Day was rather not so hot. The crowds were ... expanded. School suckt continue constant ass.

For the greatest quote of the week saw Mr. Seehofer:

"Then shake the Franconian Forest, because the foam Chiemsee! You flutter your knees? "Asks Seehofer the hall. Grim laughter from the benches. "Do not worry," pipes Seehofer: "This is not a tsunami, this is just a Westerwelle"

Friday, February 12, 2010

How To Make An Alt Peace Sign


Hey Folks, I control

grad cheerfully on a fat, ugly problem, and it succeeds I do not rumzureißen the steering wheel. At least I have to change down for now.
I had been looking forward to the new Eluveitie Bruzzler, and since today is streamable The summit on the MySpace page the band. Juchey!
But if such a part will be heard is, a certain emptiness. What should I address my desire? Well, first of all we are waiting for decent NEN Leak / Release, I shall content myself at the moment with the ripped from me MySpace quality.
The outlook does not look so rosy, the next resonance will be of Slumber, my God, the creator-Sketches are arschawesome ... and that's still alittle bit out. So what to do. Unfortunately my engine consumes quite a bit, I need NEN steady flow of music, my hard Plate is a ... Omniphage. Furthermore
We are the Void by Dark Tranquillity is now leaked. Friends kept Melodic Death Metal hear about this, DT after all are the best band in the genre. Objectively.
what it looks:
The opener is Shadow in Our Blood, a good part, where mainly the booming in the chorus provides Ohrgasmen. Numer Two Dream Oblivion is relatively F-UC-KING AMAZING. Arschgeil. The Fatalist, well, not bad. In My Absence, The Grandest Accusation, At The Point Of Ignition and the rest to the last are not yet really stuck. The final track, Iridium is almost more of a doom metal song, noticeably longer than the other and banging with pompous. Listen, could next term will be a new flagship of Dark Tranquillity. The bonus tracks I have unfortunately not yet. All in all a rather mediocre work. I was hoping for more ..

So I really do not know now, what I should wait.
Not good.
Btw, i have the new HIM album belongs. My ears have called quite loudly for Jörg. Bullshit.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Cleaning An Electric Percolator


As one or the other has already mitgekriegt due to my ICQ gespammes, provided me with the very annoying orange lulz, so I encourage here at times to look at this, for those who do not know the .

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

How Often Do You Need To Wax Skis

Hum Hum.

Chakalakala ... I have no idea what to write, for more poetry or stories, I miss the moment of inspiration and the constitution. I spend namely the free days, ie long weekend + tomorrow, with full-body Cancer AIDS, which, however, settles heavily in the nose and throat area and provides for an inflationary tissue consumption. I think today I'm peeved trees from the area in Bavaria. At least.
remedy ought to create a Bronchialtee. The prospects looked good, and I am passionate tea drinkers (one could also say Teeist) and the stuff should help. I therefore, the brown, strikingly reminiscent of heroin powder launched into my ass hot water to determine that it tastes of nothing at first and later develops a slightly nasty taste of licorice. The effect was not as great. What do you do? Right, the only logical conclusion is: drink more of it! The Enlightenment took a hammer blow down on me, I made delicious Waldfrüchteinstattee and set to the pseudo heroin. But as everyone knows, the experience is usually a parody of intent. It infuses the mixture, a so and the realization slowly creeping down the throat, along with an equally complex as repulsive flavor.
The Apocalypse tea is a very perfidious piece: He weighs the consumer first with gentle wild berry flavor (varieert dependent on the concentration and I had it from "soft" to "burns your ass off" enriched), only to liquorice with a massacre on the taste buds to judge. Not pretty. Enough of Teaism. That being said I have

today on Facebook finally finally finally learn THAN WHAT I WAS BORN AGAIN! Unbelievable, right? The result is certainly not surprising. As Kastenhai. This is not an Indian tax collectors, but the Facebook app following are the best: there This creature of the deep sea while there for over 400 million years ago. However, it was and will never be discovered by people. Box sharks have no natural enemies and therefore a calm mind.
By answering further questions unrelated I know also that I will receive no rose on Valentine's Day (which I would have from the bowels of my sofa to read) and that my high school average will be 2.2. Since I can then still the same times apply for education, anyway can not change it.

had Apart from that I determine that for this weather is not suitable music for GIAA it is not icy enough, the sun's not visible too, gah. After brief trips to Swallow The Sun, Katatonia, Antimatter and GIAA I'm back to my getrudelt temp list, especially to Isolation Years by Opeth, which has a wonderful guitar melody.

samples from the new album Eluveitie's also, but are not saying.

So, my reservoir of Redundanzien is erschöft for today. Off to bed, children!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

8 Weeks Pregnant And Aching Legs

Tiffert Phantomtor

Here two things that I really wanted to spread.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Ow To Mount Wedding Cake

To my people

Here's an ultimate explanation of how to success in life.

was being said, I found that the lineup is better for Summer's Breeze than anything that is put on the Wacken stage. As Neofacebooker

wonder I wonder why it is 1 FOR EVERY FUCK ARE CAPTCHAs? Oo and 2 why the verification process via SMS simply does not work. After I requested my code 5 times, and never get a response, creep up on me doubts about the functionality of this method. Mja, I'll stop remain forever a bot.

That being said I have today completed the first sound in sports Volleyball unity in general.

That being said I would like to know if we start the tournament with Corpse Paint / Peter Cross / any dress code. I would have for black clothing, as Corpse Paint trve, but impractical. We also shave the head and draw us after that, the tattoos of Darth Maul. Our music is running ... Cannibal Corpse? We also play with black volleyballs, what is obvious. Suggestions?

Monday, January 25, 2010

Stock Dose Of Aminophylline

And never come back I want the world below me.

I do not know whether you know it.

If you spend a day at the PC to the outside world not to see her gray face, time is running out, and you're busy looking for fulfilling employment with music and finally to a song by surfing, of which you can later say no more, as ye like about it.

A song that brings you to a place place where you do not know where he is. A song that feels as if he would carry you on its wings made of glass, bringing the melancholy sound of your self to, as it would suck out all the life out of you, just fill it with pure beauty. It sinks completely into lethargy, while you're trying to capture how people something incredibly beautiful to address them. A mixture of sadness, nostalgia, hope, out of everything and nothing. You have to have reached a new level, just the feeling of musical emotion, as a jump from 2D to 3D, literally a new dimension, and yet he holds a striking simplicity.

any rate, I had such an experience yesterday, as the inclined Lastfm users may have noticed is.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Osterizer Imperial 542

night I thought

And slowly flows down the storm
loses through rivers of my world
zerbrochne wind in the empty country

of hidden lily, cold sand
lived before the time.

Trapped in the solitude
the glass that is broken now lost

the swan is the
cry echoed through the green.

decayed splendor, magnificently once
will never sing more.

So I walked slowly shut
and this place looked
past shallow wetlands
carried the now henceforth
the last leaves of the tree tears
; fallen for eternity.

because dark was light path
now falls on the shadow.

formless stands the moonlight
by wood Skeletal
breaks so also the last way
Elysium removed.

- Paradise Lost, 2010 ;

Monday, January 18, 2010

How Do You Lock Your Mii On The Wii?

The Sorrows of Young R. - A night-piece.

Zinki and I noticed a most peculiar paradox that we so far could not resolve by rational considerations.
main figures of this loss was tragic are the Baron, myself and Mr. Runge, who is responsible for our schedules.
the relevant facts are like this:

  • I have Mondays through 8th Teaching
  • the baron Monday to the 9th Teaching.
  • go Tuesdays and Thursdays I with him to the 8th back.
  • I never drive after the 8th by bus.
  • I rarely allow myself to pick up from school.
kristalliesiert Hence, the question is how you well so far on Monday after the 8th I always come home. I can not explain it. I used to be very safe, 3 times a week after the 8th go back to the Baron. I remember that I am so very pleased that our schedules were in sync so that we at the same 3 days after the 8th Circuit had. I may even run with the Boel, one or two times maybe what failed, but that does not explain how I came to the regular assembly home. Obviously
am I so mad. So we operate a little bit psychoanalysis. Perhaps I am suffering from a diseased form of amnesia, but I must have someone taken away then yes. Although there are some leading car Schinkler whose car I frequent but only rarely. What remains? Three or four times frequented Cars said, may have been picked up once, maybe three times what turned out ... BUT THAT MAKES NO FUCKING HALF YEAR !!!!!!

A big mystery then.
suggestions welcome.

Friday, January 15, 2010

What Happens If A Dog Eats A Honey Roasted Peanut


The inevitability of pending trials, it can cause very different symptoms. When I expressed in my test anxiety in hard Schüttelfrostattacken. So what you do against the cold that comes from within? For calming and warming Instant tea always helps me after I therefore two large cups of this brew exorbitant intus had and had me dressed in addition to a bold wool sweater of my father, I felt a little better, at least physically. I had thought to consume alcoholic substances, but before a driving test ... well. Then I went to bed and waited. That the cunning from his abysmal sleep last hole comes and attacks me with a vengeance. He was probably busy. Maybe at my accountant, who was fortunately far too late. This was the test, that 50% was spent on the road, pleasantly unpretentious.


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Hampton Bay Chandelier Parts

It's time for some random stuff. Here is a rather amusing

video that the statement "people are cognitively suboptimized" well illustrated.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Free Power Of Attorney Form Uk

stuff stockings.

People urged me seriously by threatening me with physical violence, so here it is.

Hmm, I So now will write an entry just for the record and not the content will. Great, right? WHO NEEDS THE ?!?!?
school today could have been quite bearable, if not the iron law would apply to the incompatibility of the adjective "bearable" with the grammar school entity. A yield of two central incisors exams and the announcement of a longer absence from DA for women today was certainly useful, especially the latter's good. As a student for that very announcement of their emotions with a whispered YES! Expression, gave Mr. A. went suddenly very high speed and echauffierte about the impertinence of such a statement. I understand something of rationality not mean you are not happy about the disease other is perfectly clear, but the fact of not having geography that goes with it, one will be allowed to pour so seems appropriate. Mr. Apunkt whose skin had an unsettling Red Intensity, the inexplicably looked different. What do people think? Do people think?
I am so incompatible, that is not beautiful.

Furthermore I have musical Deficiency, something I NEED. Best Death Metal not only Geknüppel, but with catchy rhythms, so Vade etc. .. I just do not know quite what I listen to ... Tenhi are great but somehow ... maybe I'll throw out my favorite songs ... That it is pure hell always wait so long for fresh albums must gah!

If I Anfage to tell Schwank from my life, exceeded the critical mass of content, and the universe begins implode. Ye but still do not know.

So far from here, from the middle of nowhere,

Farewell, my friends.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Do I Need D & C To Remove Polyps

The excavator.

When at home they also have a backhoe, then you should definitely try again.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Mime Dancing Praise Is What I Do

Naoi is back ~

Hello again ~ ~ ~ xDDD

I'm back ^___^ Back ausm East and sit in my tower at work
xD I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year NEN supi \u0026lt;3
Dresden My holiday was great as always, I love so many of my Freundner seen again * _ *
Thank you all for the nice time! \u0026lt;3

I have some pretty old Piccus by Screw xD found here ...

Moah Byou ey ~ * _ * xD

And you all know already my Ameba blog? xD If non here is the link ^ ^

The will be a bit more often than aktualiesier here in the Journal de xD

I wish you a beautiful week ~

Naoi ^__^/)))

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Greyish Blue Kitchens

carbon-based life forms

I would like to mention at this point just to Carbon Based Life Forms already been very sin d, wonderfully soothing and dreamy. Had not thought of that I can start with such electronic stuff was. This will now 'have a real phase. God Is An Astronaut 2.0 or so.

That being said I am proud ausßerordentlich, New Year have completely ignored and made no good intentions to. Okay, there's one ... but you shall not discuss with roots-roy! First sin already committed, I have accepted his damn friend request. What a bummer.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Armband Tattoo Designs For Sale

Retrospective Part Three.

Fuck it, fuck the new year has already started, and I'm still not finished with my review. Not by far, the best is finally.

Vader - Necropolis (21 August)

Vader were the one band that has me excited about brutal death metal, and I also think they still Hörenswerteste for this genre. The Intialzündung was the thundering Devilizer from the new album Necropolis, which smacks very beautiful.
For me this is the only really great track on the disk, but the rest can be heard as well, especially since the production is great. On the disc there are two covers, one Black Metal by Venom and Fight Fire With Fire of Metallica, which is moreover in the Vader version are very cool. Angenhem is mainly the small track length to be avoided and trailer man will be formally pushed through the songs. A good album, even if in retrospect approach is not for me Impressions In Blood .

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Insomnium - Across The Dark (September 25)

News from the Finnish Melodeathmetlern Insomnium, that the previous album Above The Weeping World knew quite pleasing (I remember the epic In The Groves Of Death and Mortal Share with a outstanding intro), there was also in 2009. On Across The Dark, the place was also in Finland to 5 of the charts, mix the first time, clean vocals with the growls. Fortunately, these are rather few, because let's be honest, this is not the great strength of the vocalist Niilo Seva. Once again, we can again very melodic riffs dei ears are pointed Equivalence that is really starting until the half, or Where The Last Wave Broke where does the clean vocals a bit out of place.

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Behemoth - Evangelion

As everyone knows, I can do with Black Metal rather not, but if it is paired with Death as skillfully as Behemoth demonstrate it, then you can give it the time. Without exception, every track offers nice Doppelbassgeballer and death metal-style riffing. The typical Black Metal vocals will also be replaced by growling, so that the plate a total of more like Death Metal is classified as Black Metal. The epic, though imo overrated Ov The Fire And Void with ultracreepigem video, The Seed Ov I and Transmigrating Beyond Realms Ov Amenti are probably my favorite, but since the songs in part, quite similar are actually everything can be good. A Blackened Death-work class.

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Backstreet Boys - Love is must for everyone

The long-awaited album + R I tell you not much, everyone knows it, and everyone knows the controversy. The quality also. I'm not the biggest fan Rammstein under the sun, but the board met, what I had expected it like this in about, gratifying to me is that the band in many places a little more complex instrumental tracks, and occasional double bass player uses. The title track was already well known and is still very hot, spring in Paris for me is an absolute masterpiece, and I do hurt you is great on closer inspection. Shark as well, including Good Hunting crashes. With pussy I can not do anything that I feel too much direction Industrial.

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Sooo, my friends, I left out a lot, as the stuff that goes on in the post-hardcore or metal core area, since no one else can do something with it. I mentioned it here on the edge: A Day To Remember have with Homesick delivered a very good post-hardcore album, Dead By April with their self-titled kreirt have a kind of pop-metal, the poppy clean vocals and screams combines with metal core. So they legitimately success. Also Isolation Songs of Ghost Brigade should be mentioned, a melancholic metal plate, which never achieved the effect of Katatonia, but I like this is. Then there A Taste Of Extreme Divinity of Hypocrisy, which is also pretty good if you like the band. An Epic Fail produced by the Dutch Symphonic Metler Epica with Design Your Universe where I could tear, not a single song from the stool. Caliban provided with Say Hello to Tragedy also from a strong metal-core album, teeming with some real gems. As far as first ...

... in the top 3

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Eluveitie - Evocation I - The Arcane Dominion

Between Metal Albums Slania and Everything Remains (As It Never Was) wanted to carry the Swiss people enjoy one of her dreams (In fact, It was probably Chrigel dream, as the band is subject to constant fluctuations) and record an acoustic folk album. No sooner said than done, came out 16 tracks, including a bonus-metal version of the hammer over Omnos . At first I was skeptical, as many songs are actually just intros, following short and no system, but first you hear the album the best from the front to rear, and second is some real jewels hidden in it. Omnos I mentioned, then follow Brictom the incredibly The Arcane Dominion , for me, certainly the greatest folk track of all time, the fast The Cauldron of Renascence , the atmospheric generic Carnutian Forest , Voveso In Mori and the melancholy Ne Na REGV . If you look there is for one first, it's very difficult to release. Therefore, it is simply a great album, even if there is no widely in the fan base of acceptance. Now may we wait again until 19.2, then that is appears the new disc, from the already great Thousandfold was released on video.

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Swallow The Sun - New Moon

wish I had after the release of the EP Plague Of Butterflies with the epic 34-minute masterpiece Plague Of Butterflies starve to myself, to me, the Finns finally supplied with a new modern doom metal record. There was a teaser of it's unfortunately already on Myspace, which made the wait almost unbearable. And truly, I was not disappointed. Roll riffs of guitars, tuned as low as Tiger Woods has declined, and unspeakably vulominöse growls, depressive guitar melodies, everything what makes Doom Metal for me, is found here again. Breathe in the opener These Woods Evil is first used Black Metal-like vocals, Falling World , the most listened well, does not attract me so dannn's coming but quite thick: Sleepless Swans leave is my second favorite titles this year, the dark force and depression, which unfolds this title, it will hardly put into words. with ... And Heavens Cried Blood again followed by a slightly weaker tracks on the with Lights On The Lake (Horror Pt. III) follows again a class piece auftrumpft with very nice female vocals. Then comes the title track New Moon , largely dispensed with growls and the second absolute highlight of the album. Servant Of Sorrow is also useful, though overrated imo places, the crashing Weight Of The Dead album ends with violence, and also leaves an excellent impression. All in all, say, a work that easily with the previous LP Hope receives. According to I played the album in this year at least 728 times. Of the 09er albums topped that only the above Evocation that is much longer, however, outside and now following the keystone of my musical retrospection ...

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Katatonia - Night Is The New Day

For with the legendary 2504 Plays in about two months, the new album of my top artists sits lonely at the top. God knows how much I had expected this part. No, not even he knows it. After it was published in the run Forsaker and The Longest Year and Blood idle leak test, there were only 8 more songs plus bonus track Ashen . But from the beginning. This album has reason to lead Katatonia Viva Emptiness and further developed at The Great Cold Distance Style consistently and are delivering a masterpiece of melancholy and despair that digs deep and not let go. It is noticeable, especially the very present keyboard use. Forsaker opener as demonstrated before, what to expect, namely, dark riffs coupled with a quiet guitar and Renkse incredible voice. The Longest Year is especially angenhem driving chorus, then it goes to idle Blood known in a completely different direction than from Katatonia, the track may be of Opeth, an inspiration can not be excluded, especially since both groups are very loved ones. Onward Into Battle
is a little progressive and for me one of zweich mediocre tracks. But then comes with Liberation again a typical Katatonia song, again with the melancholy quiet parts and harder parts that make the doom metal past come to light. at position 6 then follows the first masterpiece, namely The Promise Of Deceit whose quiet Parts I almost disappear into tears and makes do with very few chords in the chorus. It's great. Nephilim contrast, is more towards Death Metal, but this is an experiment, that the Swedes should leave earlier if you go after me because they just have evolved away from that style. To me it is total too cumbersome, so it is the second and last trailer of the album, if you like him than as such, as he developed his appeal. It follows New Night a song that reminds vonM guitar use in deliberation, then the great Inheritance that consists almost entirely of a slow guitar melody and singing Renkse, but with the song of the album depressivste is. Day And Then The Shade that should be at some point be released as a single, which is not yet the case is, for my taste a little unkomplex Therefore, only the lead guitar parts to tear him out a little. No idea why this should be the single, the song is good, but there are far better. In addition, the video is arschcreepig. In the Special Edition is the track Ashen place at position 11, usually stands here Departer . Ashen is a great bonus track, which should not suffer from a not because he is in the chorus ringing on any instrument that I can not identify, will probably always stemmed from the keyboard. Now to Departer So ... what can you say there, that is simply the most emotional piece of music that I have ever seen, unspeakably calm and melancholy, the other half sings Krister Linder, who has a very special voice, but is by no means inappropriate. My Fovorit for this year is therefore quite clear Departer. Simply a masterpiece. The overall effect is so outstanding, because ten of twelve titles make it into the list of my favorite songs, a performance that normally only takes Slania by Eluveitie that at this part but not in life come even close.

So now I would be at the end of it, I hope you have the Alcoholocaust on New Year's good or at least alive over and I wish you, first, however, myself, a blessed new year .
