aber ich überlege ernsthaft die Platte zu kaufen.
❀ ~ ~. ✿. ❀. ✿. ❀. ✿. ❀. ✿. ❀. ✿. ❀. ✿. ❀. ✿. ❀. ✿. ❀ ~ ~
Wuhuuu people XD! * _ * I passed meien test finally! XD I've finally finished my training * 3 * The test was on the circuit not once thought of as difficult as x / / D'm already looking forward to my note that I learn in the first 4-6 weeks but
I know it sounds really strange, but I'm really happy for the first time in my life. x / / D I've accomplished much of what I've perhaps never imagined years ago. I have a good high school - just finished a lesson that no one can take away me - I have found friends and and and x / / D
I go again one more step towards "living" x / / 3
I've experienced a lot already, but honestly, now begins but the Life right before, right?
course of the day was clear to me that I grow up. QQ
hard to believe until you have all realized only x'3
an important period is reached I realize once again that so much waiting for me x / / D give it to destinations in the future that I want to achieve x3 there probelms that I must solve u /. / / u and more xD !
and everything I've ever seen, all of which I have no regrets x3
perhaps one can hardly say or sound like really stupid now to the D;
but I love my life so far and would like to my dreams for the future gestetzt I've realized ...
I'm curious now to what branch I'm x3 initially said, I come to Nürtingen, but since Saturday it means I get to a cafe in Reuling D, Natural Of course I see many opportunities in a cafe *-* it's also something nice aba ... there are those certain probelms ... well, I must leave this now come to me XD
Sorry guys for the geschnultze aba uu I just have to write the * x3 * baka XD
I kind of like the saying right now: 'D
"Mach Dir keine Gedanken um Menschen aus Deiner Vergangenheit, denn es hat
seine Gründe, dass sie es nicht in deine Zukunft geschafft haben!"
. ゚ ・ ・ ★. ・. ☆ ・ ・ ゚. ゚ ・ ・ ★.・. ☆ ・ ・ ゚. ゚ ・ ・ ★. ・. ☆ ・ ・ ゚. ゚ ・ ・ ★. ・. ☆ ・ ・ ゚. ゚ ・ ・ ★. ・. ☆ ・ ・ ゚. ゚ ・ ・ ★. ゚ ・. ☆ ・ ・ ゚. ゚ ・ ・ ★. ・.
Kiri hat sich mit Kimi eine Auzeit gegönnt von den Prüfungsstress un is Eis essen gegangen * w *
▪ ▫ ■ □ □ ■ ▫ ▪ ▪ ▫ ■ □ • □ ■ ▫ ▪ ▪ ▫ ■ □ • □ ■ ▫ ▪ ▪ ▫ ■ □ □ ■ ▫ ▪ ▪ ▫ ■ □ □ ■ ▫ ▪ ▪ ▫
aww ~ the weekend is already over ... oh jah, but how quickly it will pass, right? x3 The weekend was really great *-*
Unfortunately, it is not worked out as I had imagined, 3, ~ Mary could in the end, unfortunately, but not because it fails to un mexxlertreffen which developed in part as yet mourning parade x'D
So honestly, the Mexxlertreffen is always more to meet the un Emo gammel meet D: It was so great to again see such old familiar faces ... but ... not enough! Where only the old hands are still there, you knew from before? Somehow get
the old hands are no longer ... un sinceSaturday I understand it ... as mentioned above; gammel meet un emo parade x'D
.... and honest, so trauig it is, but I would realize that I (un a few other friends that have the same opinion are x3) are washed out of these meetings already. I would rather save my money for major events (Connichi, LBM, FBM, etc. ..) before I again take on such a geh That was my last visit in June ... also be taken I prefer my friends is un stuttgi enterprising then something with them, making sure a lot more fun: 'D
In large un whole it was a great WE, because I have my best friend Yuki once again made it * _ * of course it was and mega class Nami Ryu, Stefan un Saku to see you again \u0026lt;3
.... ah jah I had my first heartache .... Hardly anyone knew I was actually 10 months since a friend had x / / D I have a secret from most, because my friend came from the Dominican Republic, un, most would say, a long distance relationship would never go well o, and how stupid it was un un blah blubb ; D
un I regret nothing! > ^ \u0026lt;V
But in the end, we both realized that it was pretty hard ... UU and also Roberto his life should first get a grip ... so we have been separated since last Friday ... before Wednesday, he indicated it is important ... I was so ready, I've only cried before ... .
I am so very grateful to my friends ... In the time they stood by my side x3 because honestly, I was afraid to be alone again ;/////;~ although I still had no reason, I have the feeling had to be back alone ... I am therefore
yuki, jess un Nami so grateful; o; they really took care of me when I went badly for the first time since years x'D
but I have the good grief (I think) coped well un'm back to a happy man> / / w ///\u0026lt;~
become un long since I was on WE *-* again at Nami was sooo great> / w ///\u0026lt;~ I am mad happy ~ from
un immediately I'm back in exam stress xx I finally got my issue today, I must draw up xD un it is ....
* drumroll * XD
buffet for a barbecue!
Yay!! > W \u0026lt;v
a great story: D I am MCIH properly prepare in an all, although it will work viiiiiel; O;
~ I'll show you pictures of my vorberietungen \u0026lt;3
once calibrated'll be a WE with Nami and canapes *-*
do before I plan shcon what I do ... the buffet .... sigh x'D it starts x / / D'm with my thoughts in the tests x / / D
now I can sign back in schneckenthempo T___T un I wanted to start my Douji, A, ~
buhuuuuuu * * T____T
to the GR glad I MCIH also huge: D
long I go again on the mexxlertreffen \u0026lt;3 there werd eich so viele wieder sehen *-* un das beste highlight! Mary kommt am Freitag zu mir un besucht mit mir das mexx treffen!! Wuhuuu! XD
(ich bin gerader so happy wieder x / / D)
das wird sicher ein tolles WE nach langem \u0026lt;3 \u0026lt;3 \u0026lt;3 ~
so, bis die Tage; D
sit ah jah, here at the moment I un draw as to myself x'D
it is a long time since I've drawn every day ... (I habs shcon often mentioned x'D) but it NEN currently makes just so fun again pen in hand to keep his permit un fantasy run wild \u0026lt;3 (and I will draw more girls x / / 3) I've
times about what I use the I might have to draw un've done now ma ne XD
currently being processed;
-> Kobato with jellyfish *-* (because of the ending song; Jellyfish no Kokuhaku \u0026lt;3 trust me, for I have long used the idea, although it was so simple XD I love sitting on the floor at the railway station and have admired the beautiful blue sky with its clouds *-* un Incidentally, the song belongs to \u0026lt;3 Then came the idea * __ * I'm curious to look like my jellyfish are XD)
-> Polka Allegretto un ( currently flashed total of the game, I have my favorite couples drawn \u0026lt;3'm still wondering about, Buntis, or even very bright to use Copics for x3)
My Current requests are;
detectives Conan (With Kaito, un Shinichi Heiji -> Command Kimi XDDD)
Final Fantasy Crisis Core (Cloud and Zack)
Tales Of Grace (group image -> perhaps)
DGray Man (group picture)
Tales of Symphonia (Lloyd and Colette)
Fragile Dreams (maybe XD)
Skizze von Kobato (diese Haare x'D)
This week I've finally come to the movies to behold me, which I had in mind ever been to behold! XD
" Sherlock Holmes" was my first movie of the week: 3 It's okay, I must say, but he does run away from me now stool net D:
He is the backdrop of her great, the soundtrack is like always an A, but also what is actually expected by Hans Zimmer, the action Sznen were great - but were there is when the problem XD there are too many inside, where you have easily lost track of So. honest, I came from history no longer x'D it's probably still a 2nd give some, as yet rather lacking Moriaty, 3
Another movie I was looking at this week "How to Train Your Dragon" \u0026lt;3
people, the movie it soooo incredibly cute! ! * _ * ~
simply a fantastic story of how enemies into friends is \u0026lt;3 un the soundtrack too beautiful \u0026lt;3 sher un the animation is good, where I initially thought, omg, what a blö ; of the fim is again>>
but he is worth to behold EHCT \u0026lt;3
un about 30 minutes before I "Hachiko" angschautm who bought me Mary x3 people ... I'm only on the film, which runs 90 minutes, durchgeweint almost 40 minutes! This is a new record for me x'D but I sher once again how much I'm built on the water XD but now we come back again for the film \u0026lt;3 he is insanely great ... but infinitely trauig Hachiko feel ... namely, that happened to his master un tried it on the same day to stop what he is un net ... then he just goes and ... omg T_____T people, I will Hachiko Sun soon no longer gaze, it can you swear x'D
Realized super un bar shows the friendship between a dog un un man as good as can be true but a dog ... after the film I had my first Ricardo \u0026lt;3
Nyo stroke until the day \u0026lt;3
tomorrow my written exams turn xX I'm sitting here shaking un un afraid for my good grades x'D (Sign up sheet class economics;! 1 - German: 1 - Social Studies: 1 - Beruflichefachkompitenz: 2.1 * 3 *) I really wonder how to keep the notes in German
x'D un civics I see no problems .... just WL and Befko .... hopefully I'll get the xX
wish me all the happiness that I create it! > O \u0026lt;v
(then I finally behind me XD)