Wednesday, March 17, 2010

How To Fix A Tac 5 Paintball Gun

Depressing Wednesday I.

As everyone knows, life sucks. I will tell every Wednesday from now on, why life is as pleasant as a vasectomy. I also explain why the Wednesday just so well suited to reflect his current depression.
First Wednesdays are for three days, so 3 / 7, so 42.857142857% of the week is over, actually even a little bit more. No, strictly speaking, even infinitely more. lol. No matter. Second, and this is interesting, still have 4 more days, which is 4 / 7 and 57.142857142%, and even a bit more before. So there is still plenty of things and events that cast their shadow before, and thus the Sun block. Wednesday you can already feel the Vorleid for the coming days, so is Wednesday objectively the shittiest day of the week. A British scientist claims to have found that the most depressing day of the year always falls on the Monday of the last week of January. As if there were only a most depressing day.

So, to matters of content. I am just aware that I write Friday math, which is as always easy going, and still result in a 10-12 points is what is essential for me too little because it is repugnant to me, always teaching fed with witty commentary to have to to keep my touch. Furthermore, as the chemical examination replacement in two weeks, I have not done anything as yet, know only today, what topics my group sent me thinks, of course, I have already forgotten. While the rest went on an odyssey to conquer the mysterious depths of computer science areas and occupy forever with the forces of good, I spent the chemistry double lesson with my teacher to conduct an experiment , will be the part of our presentation. Nice. The solid came later (unfortunately attracted hrhr) defeated in the struggle against corrupt powers home, the room could hold but at least an hour.

for WIPO is one to do a paper, my topic is Slovenia, it is primarily about EU. It is interesting that a podcast should be of Germany Funct mainstay of the paper. Since only the most recent ~ 30 are located in the archive, we rely on the Lord teacher, who all have appeared on the disk has. As luck would have it - the bitch - we have felt since three weeks WiPo no more because he is a subject permanently absent. for example, to go into the incineration. I do so, that for sports WIPO teacher fundamental importance, even to make a pilgrimage to the Müllverbrennugsanlage, but it's annoying because I get so not (designated by a classmate in the lecture as "Postcad") to my podcast and also advance my presentation can not . Zawngsprokrastination so to speak. Furthermore, I
ranzt the so-called "equivalent learning achievement," technical terminology for "unnecessary repetition of effort, without justification," to ass. The three of us will do something about Malta, but you do not quite know what. Things to remember to use the three days off, too. Gnarf.

was interesting when I got down a list in hand, and was forced under threat of violence to write any court next to my name.
Without that I knew what was happening at all. Just like that. Can you believe that? Inziwschen I know what it is and we are fourth from the released for it. WHAT?? We were free to decide to take a shit-shit-buffet for high school graduates during the school shit shit uh-time, but not allow us to go two days in the university? Gnarf. We will well anyway durhziehen French because we write next week exam (Poetry analysis francophon Hoooray!).

Today, as I after the 4th came home, I have thanks to the spring-like temperature first decided to renovate my bike after me and carried back to the bakery had. Well, the result is that now is covered with a film of oil the bike, and even sold on the saddle, although I have left out the. Well, I hope it dries and can be wiped off. Instead, as recommended besprayen to the bike, I showered off what was not my best idea.

PS: Viverum, give me back my brain prosthesis.

And what's there yet? Sold Heart is out. Well, first half indescribable, second mediocre. For a shitty month I'm waiting for news of the Swedish doom metal band Slumber, because before a fucking month, they gave the last sign of life of himself in which he claimed the album was taken up on the vocals and mastering would be completed within a month. So it would be time to make time 'nen water level, after all, the previews are already extra class without singing.

So, because it was so much, I'm now half of the things that suck forget.

Incidentally, I have started this week trying to eat only as much as I need to satisfy hunger. That is, my breakfast consists of a moment of bread and a fruit, yogurt, which I take care to school, is replaced by an apple and I contain cookies, ice cream and sweets before. Just at noon I klotze purely so that I can get through to evening. So a bit of asceticism. I do not know whether to expect me about an increase in awareness of life, or at least a diminution of body fat. It also represents for me a self-examination dar.
Soon I will also start again with regular physical activity in the form of jogging, then I can eat again.

And what else is on? A pair of new Music Obsessions:

First, a piece that you are here can listen to Newgrounds. George R. Powell is the good man

Then have a part of the soundtrack of Little Miss Sunshine, I can say.

three things from the soundtrack of Assassin's Creed 2's have arschangetan me.

enjoy So, today Barcelona's pretty hard battle against Vfb Stuttgart, which will cost me a lot of sleep, so the youth club will be held again tomorrow without me.

C ya. Hopefully Not

PP.S.: Hey, so a long entry I've written before. However, I have never specifically referenced on the dark side of life.


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