Tuesday, February 2, 2010

How Often Do You Need To Wax Skis

Hum Hum.

Chakalakala ... I have no idea what to write, for more poetry or stories, I miss the moment of inspiration and the constitution. I spend namely the free days, ie long weekend + tomorrow, with full-body Cancer AIDS, which, however, settles heavily in the nose and throat area and provides for an inflationary tissue consumption. I think today I'm peeved trees from the area in Bavaria. At least.
remedy ought to create a Bronchialtee. The prospects looked good, and I am passionate tea drinkers (one could also say Teeist) and the stuff should help. I therefore, the brown, strikingly reminiscent of heroin powder launched into my ass hot water to determine that it tastes of nothing at first and later develops a slightly nasty taste of licorice. The effect was not as great. What do you do? Right, the only logical conclusion is: drink more of it! The Enlightenment took a hammer blow down on me, I made delicious Waldfrüchteinstattee and set to the pseudo heroin. But as everyone knows, the experience is usually a parody of intent. It infuses the mixture, a so and the realization slowly creeping down the throat, along with an equally complex as repulsive flavor.
The Apocalypse tea is a very perfidious piece: He weighs the consumer first with gentle wild berry flavor (varieert dependent on the concentration and I had it from "soft" to "burns your ass off" enriched), only to liquorice with a massacre on the taste buds to judge. Not pretty. Enough of Teaism. That being said I have

today on Facebook finally finally finally learn THAN WHAT I WAS BORN AGAIN! Unbelievable, right? The result is certainly not surprising. As Kastenhai. This is not an Indian tax collectors, but the Facebook app following are the best: there This creature of the deep sea while there for over 400 million years ago. However, it was and will never be discovered by people. Box sharks have no natural enemies and therefore a calm mind.
By answering further questions unrelated I know also that I will receive no rose on Valentine's Day (which I would have from the bowels of my sofa to read) and that my high school average will be 2.2. Since I can then still the same times apply for education, anyway can not change it.

had Apart from that I determine that for this weather is not suitable music for GIAA it is not icy enough, the sun's not visible too, gah. After brief trips to Swallow The Sun, Katatonia, Antimatter and GIAA I'm back to my getrudelt temp list, especially to Isolation Years by Opeth, which has a wonderful guitar melody.

samples from the new album Eluveitie's also, but are not saying.

So, my reservoir of Redundanzien is erschöft for today. Off to bed, children!


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