Sunday, November 15, 2009

What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Hena


Freitag 16.10.2009 - "Alter wir sind so bescheuert! xD"

Ich war wahnsinnig platt wie schnell drei Monate vergehen konnten. Exat am 14.07.09 hatten Jui, Kazu und ich beschlossen "Jap verdammt wir fliegen nach Finnland!" xDDD Am 15.07. war dann auch schon unser Flug gebucht.
Ich erinnere an Jui's GB Eintrag damals bei Mexx:

-Hikaru 14.07.2009 14:18
also uns wären screw es wert, dass wir uns nächsten monat nix anderes leisten können.
ich hab schoin zu kazuki gesagt, dass sie sich heute abend mal deine icq-nummer besorgen soll und dann quatschen wa inner konferenz so'n bisschen darüber.

Ab da war alles clear and I could at 16.10. still non-take when I eat 4.55Uhr at the station here in Aachen and was in my train to Dusseldorf to start to drive to the airport. Aufegeregt shit, because really, the day had come. 6.28
clock I arrived in Dusseldorf and waddled with my bag over to the platform 4 1, where I waited for the train with Jui and Kazu came. Lange hats
not taken and I was happy Each Aerosoft nor smoke.
But then there were the two first and it was great joy, but each of us has to be noted the excitement.
As we walked into the airport building, we presented first with laughter cramps firm, we've really had to bang NEN, an action to really pull through. But none of us has regretted that decision before that xD

I rummaged around a bit in my pocket and found my passport in which I turned the pages. I then put it firmly in fact that I am on 16 October 2006 retinues already am. And although Japan. later to the day three years, I went back to one of those things of which I knew that it will change much for me. I came so real, almost in tears.

In the airport we rushed a logical way, as it should be otherwise be? Starbucks to Slow .... xD that's really required is not it? I was so happy with my White Mocha Coffee without cream (xD) and then it did not take too long until we went for check-in.
Then we had to wait quite a while that we were on the plane. Jui shit was nervous because she is also the first time flown in their life xD I think Kazu and I have to calm down she is not really ^ ^ 'Sorry for that ~ I
during wait examined the shirts we made and are really great *.* been here with our Tickets went great pink xD
Then finally on the plane and was at once soooo tired! I had the night before finally non geschalfen how I could even hello? That was the day before SCREW
xD Well, as always, but the flying was great *.* and Jui hats survived xD
After 3 hours we arrived in Helsinki and I was full, the palpitations xD We grabbed our luggage and a taxi at the airport and I thought all the time "Aw ~ Screw goooott here are also landed oh!" xDDD
Then we drove about 15 minutes by taxi and have it paid 30 € ^ ^ '

Kazu und ich vorm Hostel :)



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