Hallihallo an meine Lieben Blog-Leser ^^
Hach~ ich wollte mal wieder ein Lebenszeichen von mir hinterlassen und mich gleich mal entschuldigen, dass ich kaum noch blogge.
Mah~ aber irgendwie waren die letzten Wochen richtig anstrengend. ^^'
Auch schön aber ich bin irgendwie voll geschafft =.=
Gestern hab wir Melles B-Day bisschen gefeiert ^^ Nicky und ich haben am Dienstag bis spät in die Nacht Kekse gebacken xD
Mel hat sich gefreut, von Wolfgang hat se auch noch einen Kuchen bekommen :D
Dann sind wir noch a bit drawn through the city and it was really funny xD
Here is a picture of the back action ^___^ xD take care not which is food coloring xD But the picture is geil xDDDD
Kazu Yesterday, even B-Day \u0026lt;3 But unfortunately I could only imaginary hug on the phone QQ nja but come here again for the two hearts PurzeltagKinder
xD ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ have love you \u0026lt;3 ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
So ~ xD
Hai ~ Nicky is then this morning and drove home again ^ ^
Last weekend we were at Jui and Kazu Witten ^ _ ^ Little trip to the pair \u0026lt;3
evening we were in Bochum in the matrix * _ * Eeeecht really cool shop because I need to go there again ~ ^ ^ Nice pictures we have made 3
Oh there was also that my internet at home at all non-work xD
But Lars hats repaired and nu funzt it again ^ ^ peeeerfekt
Yes and as you can see I put off to you today again as far as the report of the Tsukicon vv 'I just managed iiiimmernoch non habs. I will visit that I finally do, but I want to stop and make really beautiful \u0026lt;3
And yes I've already started ... just kind of isses also very difficult for me ... ΓΌ over all to write ... I miss all the moments from that so ...
Well, I still hang inside ^ ^
Otherwise, not far happened a lot, and Aoi Byo develop super \u0026lt;3333 and my babies are so cute: 3
are still a novelty *-* I soon get an electric guitar *____*
Uhm and I had mentioned that I've now got a tongue piercing? xDDD Kazuki is to blame! xD (Well then comes in the Helsinki report) ^ ^
So I'll report back more often from now on ^ ^ * * fixed principal
love Greetings and much Knuddelei all ~ \u0026lt;3 ~
Naoi deshita
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