Sunday, November 29, 2009

Ontario Drivers License Maker

* heul * blush * Sniff * drools * @ _ @ I decide not operate ...

~ Okay ... It happened ... the day before the ich mich echt gefürchtet hatte ^^'

Byous Haare sind schwarz! ..... T_______________________________________T

Mein blondes Vocal-chan .____.

*sigh* Aber manno ey .... wenn er nich... TROTZDEM noch SO geil aussehen würde könnte man ja wenigstens sauer sein auf ihn und laut BAKA schreien... Aber... er sieht nach wie vor doch immer noch geil aus!!!! *///////////*

...Q__Q Aber das Blond is weg...*murmel* Okay ich hör auf xD immerhin seine Entscheidung ^^' ...trotzdem...*grummel* xD

Jin looks sweet ^ ^ and from Byou added to the image, only "Chu ~" written ^///^ fully wai ~

anlieb * * ....* bleaching aufn head thump * xD

Joa otherwise I am again encouraging mend what my health concerns ^ ^ 'It was pretty beat
again ma \u0026lt;a horrible nightmare the last few days. \u0026lt;Well, and now I have only evanescent little problems but also will soon air I hope to resolve ^ ^

Next weekend is the Vicu and I'm looking forward to it!

Then you all a nice first Advent:)

your Naoi

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Decorated Valentines Cookies

Naoi still alive xD ... so half at least ^ ^ '

Ohayou ~ Gozaimasu my dear readers \u0026lt;3

Yeah I'm back and I admit I screwed up again ma real habs yes xD I chatterbox the whole time because of jaaa Helsinki Report ... I blog more often, etc. Here again I ask for forgiveness with xD I have not actually posted all the time because I wanted to upload the Helsinki report as a whole. ^ ^ But I just can not everything at the moment to ascribe to me, getting the photos, edit usew. ^ ^
why I will submit my report in small bites every now and then when I was just time for it ^ ^

The first part (see below) xDDDD

So und das schöne daran ist, dass ich in der Zwischenzeit trotzdem immer mal normal posts machen kann, sowie jetzt ^^

Eine Sache ist nämlich lääääängst schon überfällig xD Und zwar ein neues Comment und definitiv das BESTE Comment von Screw! xDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Meine Güte ich hab ja sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo gekreischt!!!!!... (innerlich,... weil ich musste mir das ja wieder auf der Arbeit anschauen xD da wo ich dann keine Mine verziehen darf xD eine Qual sag ich euch xD)
Aber hier ne? Seht ma selba xDDDD

Hah *//////////////////////////////* The Vid is soooo great! Ey man is so damn Byou absolutely PRETTY! * * Sterbi I hope he remains a while Blonde *////* Hah ~ * staggering * xD

gibbet So yes what else is new? ... Uhm * _ * My Kazuki is da!! Will you see him? * _ *

* _ * non isser a pretty Guita? xDDDDDD My early Christmas presents \u0026lt;3 and I'm always practicing diligently on Ai-chan ^ ^
me has also been little taught what *-*

Ja ansonsten... ich freu mich so langsam wirklich auf meinen Weihnachtsurlaub *sigh*
Da gehts wieder nach Dresden :))

Joa und nächste Woche fahr ich erstmal nach Münster zur Vicuuu~ *____*
Da freu ich mich schon drauf und ich seh Jui und Kazu wieder *_*

Oki also... ich poste wieder öfter.... xDDDDDD ne ernsthaaaaaft xD Ich bemüh mich ^^

*knuddler an alle*

Die Naoi

Sunday, November 15, 2009

What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Hena


Freitag 16.10.2009 - "Alter wir sind so bescheuert! xD"

Ich war wahnsinnig platt wie schnell drei Monate vergehen konnten. Exat am 14.07.09 hatten Jui, Kazu und ich beschlossen "Jap verdammt wir fliegen nach Finnland!" xDDD Am 15.07. war dann auch schon unser Flug gebucht.
Ich erinnere an Jui's GB Eintrag damals bei Mexx:

-Hikaru 14.07.2009 14:18
also uns wären screw es wert, dass wir uns nächsten monat nix anderes leisten können.
ich hab schoin zu kazuki gesagt, dass sie sich heute abend mal deine icq-nummer besorgen soll und dann quatschen wa inner konferenz so'n bisschen darüber.

Ab da war alles clear and I could at 16.10. still non-take when I eat 4.55Uhr at the station here in Aachen and was in my train to Dusseldorf to start to drive to the airport. Aufegeregt shit, because really, the day had come. 6.28
clock I arrived in Dusseldorf and waddled with my bag over to the platform 4 1, where I waited for the train with Jui and Kazu came. Lange hats
not taken and I was happy Each Aerosoft nor smoke.
But then there were the two first and it was great joy, but each of us has to be noted the excitement.
As we walked into the airport building, we presented first with laughter cramps firm, we've really had to bang NEN, an action to really pull through. But none of us has regretted that decision before that xD

I rummaged around a bit in my pocket and found my passport in which I turned the pages. I then put it firmly in fact that I am on 16 October 2006 retinues already am. And although Japan. later to the day three years, I went back to one of those things of which I knew that it will change much for me. I came so real, almost in tears.

In the airport we rushed a logical way, as it should be otherwise be? Starbucks to Slow .... xD that's really required is not it? I was so happy with my White Mocha Coffee without cream (xD) and then it did not take too long until we went for check-in.
Then we had to wait quite a while that we were on the plane. Jui shit was nervous because she is also the first time flown in their life xD I think Kazu and I have to calm down she is not really ^ ^ 'Sorry for that ~ I
during wait examined the shirts we made and are really great *.* been here with our Tickets went great pink xD
Then finally on the plane and was at once soooo tired! I had the night before finally non geschalfen how I could even hello? That was the day before SCREW
xD Well, as always, but the flying was great *.* and Jui hats survived xD
After 3 hours we arrived in Helsinki and I was full, the palpitations xD We grabbed our luggage and a taxi at the airport and I thought all the time "Aw ~ Screw goooott here are also landed oh!" xDDD
Then we drove about 15 minutes by taxi and have it paid 30 € ^ ^ '

Kazu und ich vorm Hostel :)


Thursday, November 12, 2009

How Long To Let Aquarium Sealant Dry

Jaaaa you still alive! ... ^ ^ '

Hallihallo an meine Lieben Blog-Leser ^^

Hach~ ich wollte mal wieder ein Lebenszeichen von mir hinterlassen und mich gleich mal entschuldigen, dass ich kaum noch blogge.
Mah~ aber irgendwie waren die letzten Wochen richtig anstrengend. ^^'
Auch schön aber ich bin irgendwie voll geschafft =.=

Gestern hab wir Melles B-Day bisschen gefeiert ^^ Nicky und ich haben am Dienstag bis spät in die Nacht Kekse gebacken xD
Mel hat sich gefreut, von Wolfgang hat se auch noch einen Kuchen bekommen :D
Dann sind wir noch a bit drawn through the city and it was really funny xD

Here is a picture of the back action ^___^ xD take care not which is food coloring xD But the picture is geil xDDDD

Kazu Yesterday, even B-Day \u0026lt;3 But unfortunately I could only imaginary hug on the phone QQ nja but come here again for the two hearts PurzeltagKinder

xD ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ have love you \u0026lt;3 ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

So ~ xD

Hai ~ Nicky is then this morning and drove home again ^ ^

Last weekend we were at Jui and Kazu Witten ^ _ ^ Little trip to the pair \u0026lt;3
evening we were in Bochum in the matrix * _ * Eeeecht really cool shop because I need to go there again ~ ^ ^ Nice pictures we have made 3

Oh there was also that my internet at home at all non-work xD
But Lars hats repaired and nu funzt it again ^ ^ peeeerfekt

Yes and as you can see I put off to you today again as far as the report of the Tsukicon vv 'I just managed iiiimmernoch non habs. I will visit that I finally do, but I want to stop and make really beautiful \u0026lt;3
And yes I've already started ... just kind of isses also very difficult for me ... ü over all to write ... I miss all the moments from that so ...
Well, I still hang inside ^ ^

Otherwise, not far happened a lot, and Aoi Byo develop super \u0026lt;3333 and my babies are so cute: 3

are still a novelty *-* I soon get an electric guitar *____*
Uhm and I had mentioned that I've now got a tongue piercing? xDDD Kazuki is to blame! xD (Well then comes in the Helsinki report) ^ ^

So I'll report back more often from now on ^ ^ * * fixed principal

love Greetings and much Knuddelei all ~ \u0026lt;3 ~
Naoi deshita

Monday, November 2, 2009

How To Block Out Pain

incredible .____.

I can not believe it .... I'm always noch...trauig / disappointed / sauer...ich can not really describe my feelings because I has just shocked.

work: So I read here on the rough times that has happened x3 I'm now almost a month long back pain. I had actually never any. I've aufjedenfall 3 weeks long, the teeth clenched, un now, since last week Wednesday, when I was nothing more; _; before Monday when I was a medical doctor. The mine has written very strong painkillers, which I do not have tolerated accordingly I could not then go to work;. _ And now I was on sick leave today, because I still had to Othopäden ... .

When Doc then put out that I've ne joint disorder function (or so) to be un krankengymnastik x3
and for that I am now again a week on sick leave because I still have pain and do not stoop to ...
that I've told my verkausleiterin ... un conversation after which I was really nervous ... finished with .___. I had to really calm down once TT___TT

I meant it to her on phone that the diagnosis is un Gelegstörungsfunktion I must make to physiotherapy, un I am now a week on sick leave.

Un then they left. in the stores are, are the sick. (Now I'm really sick once a year that I get such a response! ;___;) Un that my situation is not good effect on my future so because of taking over the UN. I should, here are the teeth clench "

I MCIH correspond resisted UN also said that I hurt for almost a month, un think it was a point last week where I no longer could!

They threatened me on it over with if I do not come next week on monday, I get problems .____.
un wished me (pissed XD) good improvement ...

I was then so ready ... I cried ... I'm really really jemamd that goes with fever or pain in the work, hardly rumjammert, un does everything, but if you then at the end of such a response gets .. . then that is really on the mind ... otherwise I can not tell .____. I can not help it that I'm sick! Is it already forbidden to be sick? I think so ... but mean while I'm myself again ... bruhigt U__U "

gaze times, which is now next week .______.

but hey, there's something enjoyable: D

Last Week [10/24/2009]: My B-day party of nearly a week x3 it was so great! * 3 * I could finally once again see all the previously un x3 on Friday then came to me x3 Nami un Saku was a real nice girl * __ * un evening of Saturday was really great * 3 * I has really just amazed that we have looked at the circuit Disney movies XD * laughs * un ... un ... you have given me a cell phone really! this is soo insanely sweet of you! I'm so happy about it really MCIH * __ * un
I am also still * 3 * or the beginning of wars hard to understand the function x'D hlat'm always the old-fashioned keys ncoh usual XD

but a lot again many thanks! * 3 *

Last Week Draw /: in Fernsher gabs to see anything D: I was really shocked ... hello? where are the horror movies? this action there were only un Liebeskram x_X was "really a disappointing Halloween D: (okay, I was able to do anything ... on sick leave due to XD) that I was within 2 days paint a Halloween picture! Record time with me! XD here you can download the art of seeing you, -> un now I sit back in a little picture x3
the sketch here : XD

Oh, Traderjob ... I could finally read TRC ... OMG, __, this is so ... so trauig the end! TT_____TT I unfortunately net understood everything, because in was English, but most I've seen ... un I'll have to say ... thank you ... CLAMP! thanks for the sweet end of TRC! * __ * would also, if it was s trauig XD ... but this manga I would have no matter how many books it had to offer ... you can be flashed ever so! shame that he is over U___U

This Week: lie Does it do anything un x'D though .. believe it or not! * __ * I am a very very dear friend have a PSP get paid with the game Final Fantasy Crisis Core! * 3 * ohhhh, I thank you with all my heart! > W \u0026lt;~ ♥ (im still a few things! X3) I can then on to play un x3
Un I still have much to draw * __ * but still ... it is terrible what is happening in the labor un will give this a serious aftertaste, I think, __, * sigh *