Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Wendy Calio's Birthday


The sweetest kitty in the world has great birthday!

Ômedeto Gozaimasu ~ ~ Tora x3 ;

Haahh ~ if I so think back when I got to know him .... xDDDDD
At first I did not überheupt Tora! xDDD Then came the day of Jrock invasion ^ ^ I
a great fan of Alice Nine, of course, there ^____^ At the time, was mainly due
Alice Nine, Screw \u0026lt;3
Joa and making the Baka Naoi ? ~ Where is the Konzi on the right side of the hall ^ ^ '
What was holding had the reason that I wanted to see Kazuki xDDD
Nja and then were carried Screw and Kra and then have played Alice Nine ... I wanted to see Nao, Hiroto
but is all the time in Rumgehüpft way !!!!! So do I "at some point abandoned me to stretch after Nao ...
Uffz * * And slightly sad, because I could see the non Drummerlein really I'm more then Hiroto bedroppt
watched jumping .... The view from time to time to Saga and Shou * _ *
But then suddenly was gone and then came Hiroto TORA! * * Wommen
Do you know these cartoons but wherever anvil falls on irgendnem person? When I threw rose at that moment a huge

Aaaaaalter the guy who was there? That could be non-Torah? xDDDD I just stood there and was astounded! xD Why I'm this great, beautiful , Large type never seen before! xD So yes seen ... but why have I never seen the really cool is?
Jajaaaaa ~ and it all started after I xD then a place in the middle and then slightly right had fought in the crowd, I could watch him all the time. Then he came even with Shou to get out and interview with me real wars over X_X

... ~ Look at this, one can only be flashed but is not it? Tora-Kami ~ ~

But without that I knew I liked it actually but at a much earlier! xDD In the time before I knew alice nine I've seen the picture below, saying only "Boaaah ~ the type of leaning on the wall is cool! "xD I had the image as a background even for some time encouraging phone only because of the pretty ones so xD xD Then years later as decelerating seen xD Hab self again and I knew by now that Torah is xD And I was just flat xDD I know that I still had to laugh fully, as I've found that I had been a languishing in already, then hated him now so dear and non like other Knuffis .. . Byou, Aoi and co.
Here the famous picture xD

xDD Tjaja the Tigerlein, from the time my people were surprised that in addition to the name of Aoi now also the name of Torah in almost every second of my sentences much xD

Then the bad times as Torah was in hospital T___T huge shock for me and I was very sad but QQ Kari aufegheitert me with a small stuffed tiger has again ~ ^ ^ * to * the bed squinting Gibts still ^ ^

Then with his purple-phase and then again by wars with me! xD love puuuur Torah is love ~ x3333 and purple streaks him were soooooo good *___*

Total sweet is his Kitty Chicken \u0026lt;3 The animal personification of Torah xDD It is so great that he Cats love \u0026lt;3 as I lalala ~ xD

Torah is simply ma total toll! I love him madly haaaa ~ ~ ~ ~ *-*

Here's a little picture!

celebration beautiful tiger-cub and non-drinking so much ^ ^

: -* ~ Aishiteru


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