gives me time! X'D
Have now before I go to work, I need to talk XD write back whatever is pure
long ago is it now jah! \u0026lt;3 I can not really tell much because I just eig much work needs to not matter xD aba
as already mentioned, I'm currently not too much time because I very much just to be>> My Kollgin work just by me is on vacation so I have to un lunch from 12-18:30 and from work ... clock un clock from 8:00 bis 15:00 when the holidays are over XD all goes back to its normal output xD
We currently have a new apprentice * o * Love is full, I tell you \u0026lt;3 nich so as the others I had in my business \u0026lt; 3 is an example, has stolen in the vast operation (even my colleague un me> 3 \u0026lt;), and another example was never un bock always came too late
but I still try to draw something! (Will feel so honored that she asked MCIH if I join, w;) may finally
XD I have to draw 30 pictures that I draw with a friend one must be the un artbook ready LBM 2010 be xD aba I can do it! I'm sure as 100% per ooober!
have at least been a start to draw XD un I think that is the intricate> _> (which I'll show you when it is completed XD) Un
I'm looking forward immensely to the Collabs with Taki, and Lancha Daisu * __ * and I would also start soon \u0026lt;3
and of course I'm looking forward to the D.gray Man picture of Nami, that I may coloring * o * ~ aww that was on the WE animexx sooooo nice meeting with you \u0026lt;3 miss you total; x ; ~ ♥
we have since begun to look at 07-Ghost *__________* my god, that is so cool * O * so many Bishis * __ * I really fear, look at it further, because Teto and Mikage; _; they belong together> 3 \u0026lt;(I'm only at episode 8 XD)
the next day we grilled with ma Family * O * ~ ♥
ansonsten spiel ich gerade wiedr etwas Ragnarok online <3 das macht richtig viel spass wieder *O* ob ich es schaffe, endlich mal high priest zu werden? x´D (das versuch ich jetzt schon seit jahren XD allerdings musste RO immer un immer wieder pausieren, wegen dem blöden server absturzen >_>) aba ich freu mich riesig, wieder mit meinen Freunden zu spielen <3
und.....und....draf ich die DVD Tsubasa reservoir Chronicle Tokyo Revelation in meinen Händen halten!!!!!!! *______________*
Ich hab es natürlich sofort angecshaut *O* ich hatte echt angst vor der deutschen synchro XD
but .... but .... I LOVE THE GERMAN SYNCHRO !!!!!!!!!! why? BECAUSE ALL THE SAME X-Charas AGREE TO HAVE IN THE SERIES X! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *_________________________________________________*
I was so happy .... the voice of Kamui fits single axle * O * I'm so happy \u0026lt;3 maybe this also has lasted so long until they show up? XD Finally, should I wait nu nearly 8 months until it was released ....
aufjedenfall here is the synchro great UwU jah is always eig XD aba shcon rarely even then in X/1999 the German synchro was the best there was in Germany, already so because each voice to fit the charas \u0026lt;3
so ... that's really been me ^ w ^ ~ ♥
must last not least, I still say that I miss friends meien total; _;
have a nice day! ; D
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