Wednesday, September 30, 2009

What Causes Fingers To Be Numb

A Butterfly is moving on ...

hoped I even that the day never comes where I have so an entry like this post here has to ...
gabs Bad news last night and I'm sorry I'm so pretty unavoidable degree, Sorry to bother everyone that the. Well
make big talk about it around the entertaining I do not grade on.
Yuuto rises later this year, specifically on 31 December, Screw off.
to withstand heavy for me as a message, because just as in my blog is obvious here, Screw one of my two favorite bands.
And now missing a part ... What are this is what I always had a bit of fear. Well
but here goes to me but to non-Yuuto.
I'm sure he made the decision because he considers the right one. And he's right. Everything is permitted to contact him while he is at peace with it and he better. see
I'm sure it myself tormenting him now to know that many fans are disappointed that his band members can accept it as difficult.
long Well it was apparently been an issue and now it has been decided. All it would mean a new beginning.
I hope so ... both Yuuto and for Screw.

Yuuto I wish you all happiness and every success he wants. Again I will further support and you are and always for me a part of Screw and thus from me!

Byou, Kazuki, Jin and Manabu I wish exactly the same. What decision Yuuto have now also taken, please do not give up! It is not with safety be the same as usual, but that does not mean that we love you or Yuuto now less so. Please continue its efforts and not give to ...

The comments from each member to exit Yuutos are here:

It is simply missing something ...

Oh sweet man ...

We will really miss you at Screw! Still, everything you best!

Thank you comforted by the way my love Schatzis Kari, Jui, Kazu, Nishi, Mel that you loved me so because of that. * You * all oppressive What should I
'd only without you? ^ ^
: *

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Whats A Good Scar Airsoft Gun

Screeew ~ for 24 days * _ * ~ *

Thihi here and now both parts completely from the making of Genei no Kusari ~ * _ * Did I mention that I love this song? * __ *

also still missing the comment from the new album [X-RAYS] *____* it up and down * hear * \u0026lt;3

Enjoy when watching ^ ^

mataa ~ ~

Monday, September 21, 2009

Brent Everett Corrigan Movie Together

Muuaahh Blubbs * xD

Huhuuuu njark I dont know what to write great xD
Only today is again a great new video because of
SCREW *____* * screaming * for a minute and 29 seconds, Kazuki and Yuuto Manabu Awwwww ~ ~ ~ The Sin So knuffisch Q___Q
Keep the hands at a photo shoot X____X ey * sterbi *
Sleba look
xD And what does Byou as in Jin's jacket? xDDDD Knuffisch neeeyyy ~ ~ ~ * * X_X rumkulla

Hachjaaa I ~ red now not far over it or I hyperventilate again xD

Oh, and here you've still ma Piccus from my weekend ^ ^ Awww ~ My Kari-chan is so on now ^ ^ and at the weekend gave us was Ai-chan then visited the great *____* Meow ~ * __ *

Yay we have seen from the balcony of DVD came here xDDDD grad Despaaa
Zero xD ~ * squeak *

The Kari and Naoi ^ ^ ~

The Ai-chan and Naoi ^ ^ ~

The Ai-chan and Kari ~ ^ ^

And all xD

Yes so sumtimes ne xDDDD

jippppii ~ xD

Yay Ai-chan xD ~ Screw sin leggaaaa

Awwww ~ the image is süüüüüß * _ *

*/////* Moahh ~ * screaming * xD xD ... ^///^' ... Huiiiii ~

Hach yes ~ I'm looking forward to next weekend ... Miyavi Konzi and before our great Con in Dusseldorf * _ *
come there are still more great Piccus with all my other Hasis * _ * *
you all durchknuff *

soon ~

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Wendy Calio's Birthday


The sweetest kitty in the world has great birthday!

Ômedeto Gozaimasu ~ ~ Tora x3 ;

Haahh ~ if I so think back when I got to know him .... xDDDDD
At first I did not überheupt Tora! xDDD Then came the day of Jrock invasion ^ ^ I
a great fan of Alice Nine, of course, there ^____^ At the time, was mainly due
Alice Nine, Screw \u0026lt;3
Joa and making the Baka Naoi ? ~ Where is the Konzi on the right side of the hall ^ ^ '
What was holding had the reason that I wanted to see Kazuki xDDD
Nja and then were carried Screw and Kra and then have played Alice Nine ... I wanted to see Nao, Hiroto
but is all the time in Rumgehüpft way !!!!! So do I "at some point abandoned me to stretch after Nao ...
Uffz * * And slightly sad, because I could see the non Drummerlein really I'm more then Hiroto bedroppt
watched jumping .... The view from time to time to Saga and Shou * _ *
But then suddenly was gone and then came Hiroto TORA! * * Wommen
Do you know these cartoons but wherever anvil falls on irgendnem person? When I threw rose at that moment a huge

Aaaaaalter the guy who was there? That could be non-Torah? xDDDD I just stood there and was astounded! xD Why I'm this great, beautiful , Large type never seen before! xD So yes seen ... but why have I never seen the really cool is?
Jajaaaaa ~ and it all started after I xD then a place in the middle and then slightly right had fought in the crowd, I could watch him all the time. Then he came even with Shou to get out and interview with me real wars over X_X

... ~ Look at this, one can only be flashed but is not it? Tora-Kami ~ ~

But without that I knew I liked it actually but at a much earlier! xDD In the time before I knew alice nine I've seen the picture below, saying only "Boaaah ~ the type of leaning on the wall is cool! "xD I had the image as a background even for some time encouraging phone only because of the pretty ones so xD xD Then years later as decelerating seen xD Hab self again and I knew by now that Torah is xD And I was just flat xDD I know that I still had to laugh fully, as I've found that I had been a languishing in already, then hated him now so dear and non like other Knuffis .. . Byou, Aoi and co.
Here the famous picture xD

xDD Tjaja the Tigerlein, from the time my people were surprised that in addition to the name of Aoi now also the name of Torah in almost every second of my sentences much xD

Then the bad times as Torah was in hospital T___T huge shock for me and I was very sad but QQ Kari aufegheitert me with a small stuffed tiger has again ~ ^ ^ * to * the bed squinting Gibts still ^ ^

Then with his purple-phase and then again by wars with me! xD love puuuur Torah is love ~ x3333 and purple streaks him were soooooo good *___*

Total sweet is his Kitty Chicken \u0026lt;3 The animal personification of Torah xDD It is so great that he Cats love \u0026lt;3 as I lalala ~ xD

Torah is simply ma total toll! I love him madly haaaa ~ ~ ~ ~ *-*

Here's a little picture!

celebration beautiful tiger-cub and non-drinking so much ^ ^

: -* ~ Aishiteru

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Pitchers Of A Lapins Cherry Tree


Hi *___*

Everything is fixed now! Kazuki has now booked our flight!

JUI, KAZU and Naoi drive SCREW ~~ * * Kreeeiiisch

Awwww I ~ I think checks are only now slowly * dizziness * xDDD Well yes is clarified all the flights, the hotel and the tickets are already long since ... xDDDD

Meeeeeeine goodness! When I think of the back and forth at the beginning xD First of all, even the consideration of the planning ... xDDD That was all such a mess, and now having done wirs docjh actually!

And even after almost exactly 2 months! 14-07-2009 Here we have all decided
xD I have the best times of Animexx GB entries picked out xD Of course, now my only, so it's only available Juis and Kazuki xD But it is really cool the progression times read xDD

-Hikaru 14/07/2009 14:18
so we could screw it interesting that we can make next month nothing else.
schoin I said to Kazuki that she views this evening is your ICQ number and then get-wa intra-conference in a bit of chat about it.

-Hikaru 07/14/2009 14:38
nyoo ~, I think we can sort this out somehow.
this will work out somehow.
why am I always so positive about it think OO

Kazuki_ 07/14/2009 14:28
hyaaaa I see so **-**
only the stupid everything is so expensive; ____;

-Hikaru 14/07/2009 15:45
because now I have only seen that there is, from the 16, no bite by nem.
we do ith.
somehow we do it ^ ^

Kazuki_ 07/14/2009 16:49
oh Just listen to ey xDDD
I will stand in front of Kazuki **-**
or ne. .. I'm all middle xDDD
ano ... I have since written to the just because there are so n Tsukicon bracelet ..., is advocating the con and the two concerts and costs only 63 € ö.ö
I hope I answer quickly war ne > \u0026lt;

Hikaru- 14/07/2009 17:02
I'm going into the city takes to the travel agency.
Kazuki wants to make as ma smart OO

-Hikaru 07/15/2009 19:41
monetary transactions for life xDDD

Kazuki_ 07/16/2009 13:17
Eh ~ the money is daaaaaa ~ * cheers * xD I thought I'll tell you once I up anyway all the time standing on the latest hold ^. ~

Kazuki_ 21/08/2009 21:37
nya you're really worse than I
xDD I'm looking soooo rough when I finally booked the flight for us all ^ ^ then all that is nothing in the way * smile *

Kazuki_ Today 13:46
hach you're so cute ey * Velcro *
I'm in the moment of something not at all excited xD I wonder where all the more time is left again * sniff *
nya .. . n also on the image you want me to make the booking? ^.
~ hach I'm happy everything is finally posted ^ ^

So DAMN IT hiiiin we get there! *______*
darling, see you ^______^

I die ey ~___
hibbel xDDD * * * squeak *

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Logiteck Eye Toy Camera

X-RAYS! *____*

Hello my friends ^ ^ long time no
But today I have rather times back to post time and time again rise above all this * _ *

layer I have the preview for the new album Screw found *____* ~ Awwww soooo beautiful and the songs sin Q_____Q * JOY *
On Wednesday 16. yes, the album and we ordered despite tight money, of course, purely *___* ma Listening * _ * I'm already blown away x________x and people there are still 35 days until I actually see it!! ! Q_Q

Haaaaar ~ ~ * spinning * If I'd not be so mild headache of yesterday I'd rumquietschen loud but I'd better let ^ ^ '
I love Genei no Kusari already T___T aw ~ I'll just cry on when the play in Finland T_T

Here are Byou X_X * die * When are extendable to the concert ... and yes he is ... as always .... aww ~ x_x

seeeeeufz * * So much excitement again the last few days ... On 09.09.09 Despairs Ray had their 10th band anniversary *_____* Aww ~ ~ ~ again for all the best and WE LOVE YOU FOR FOREVER! *___*

ZEROOOO ~ * _ *

so xD Uuuuuuund something totally crazy happened this week is great ... people you sat down! xD Achtuuuuung ...

TORA HAS POSTED! XDDDDDDD undzwar also on 09.09.09 at 22:03:31
xDD I'm megaaaaa Baff! xD x_x Des Schatzi has soooo long since nothing more can be heard from again, which one is already worried and I'm always desperate my stuffed tiger I'm Nicky, had a consolation hug.
AAAAB now he has actually been a sign of life Q____Q and said he would try his Bog something more update ... a laugh was behind in Clips, fucked us! xDDD Well, now so close to his birthday isses logical that the Lord has condescended to fas ONE YEAR time to post again, so you have to congratulate myself finally xDDDD lol I'm so ne that he's OK ^ ^ and the tuts sure the photo as to rulings which he has the same Posted by * _ *



Schnucki YOU!! Aw ~ * * anlieb

^ ^ xD SO I think now I have first written everything I wanted. Did I mention that there are still 35 days to Finland are? * _ * XDDD Oh yes I did ^ ^ 'hehe ...
So then I leave you now in peace time running around
~ * and * all cuddly

your Naoi ~

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Incest Salieri Wedding

gives me time! X'D

Have now before I go to work, I need to talk XD write back whatever is pure
long ago is it now jah! \u0026lt;3 I can not really tell much because I just eig much work needs to not matter xD aba
as already mentioned, I'm currently not too much time because I very much just to be>> My Kollgin work just by me is on vacation so I have to un lunch from 12-18:30 and from work ... clock un clock from 8:00 bis 15:00 when the holidays are over XD all goes back to its normal output xD

We currently have a new apprentice * o * Love is full, I tell you \u0026lt;3 nich so as the others I had in my business \u0026lt; 3 is an example, has stolen in the vast operation (even my colleague un me> 3 \u0026lt;), and another example was never un bock always came too late

but I still try to draw something! (Will feel so honored that she asked MCIH if I join, w;) may finally
XD I have to draw 30 pictures that I draw with a friend one must be the un artbook ready LBM 2010 be xD aba I can do it! I'm sure as 100% per ooober!
have at least been a start to draw XD un I think that is the intricate> _> (which I'll show you when it is completed XD) Un

I'm looking forward immensely to the Collabs with Taki, and Lancha Daisu * __ * and I would also start soon \u0026lt;3
and of course I'm looking forward to the D.gray Man picture of Nami, that I may coloring * o * ~ aww that was on the WE animexx sooooo nice meeting with you \u0026lt;3 miss you total; x ; ~ ♥
we have since begun to look at 07-Ghost *__________* my god, that is so cool * O * so many Bishis * __ * I really fear, look at it further, because Teto and Mikage; _; they belong together> 3 \u0026lt;(I'm only at episode 8 XD)
the next day we grilled with ma Family * O * ~ ♥

ansonsten spiel ich gerade wiedr etwas Ragnarok online <3 das macht richtig viel spass wieder *O* ob ich es schaffe, endlich mal high priest zu werden? x´D (das versuch ich jetzt schon seit jahren XD allerdings musste RO immer un immer wieder pausieren, wegen dem blöden server absturzen >_>) aba ich freu mich riesig, wieder mit meinen Freunden zu spielen <3

und.....und....draf ich die DVD Tsubasa reservoir Chronicle Tokyo Revelation in meinen Händen halten!!!!!!!  *______________*
Ich hab es natürlich sofort angecshaut *O* ich hatte echt angst vor der deutschen synchro XD
but .... but .... I LOVE THE GERMAN SYNCHRO !!!!!!!!!! why? BECAUSE ALL THE SAME X-Charas AGREE TO HAVE IN THE SERIES X! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *_________________________________________________*
I was so happy .... the voice of Kamui fits single axle * O * I'm so happy \u0026lt;3 maybe this also has lasted so long until they show up? XD Finally, should I wait nu nearly 8 months until it was released ....
aufjedenfall here is the synchro great UwU jah is always eig XD aba shcon rarely even then in X/1999 the German synchro was the best there was in Germany, already so because each voice to fit the charas \u0026lt;3

so ... that's really been me ^ w ^ ~ ♥
must last not least, I still say that I miss friends meien total; _;

have a nice day! ; D