Dann bin ich ein trauuuuuriges Pandabärchen ;_;!
Von Durchschnittsgrößen ausgehend bin ich wohl klein. Macht eigentlich nichts - Hosen kann man leichter shorten or extend as a given, and some behaviors are faster than the people at large would be the case. Clumsiness in dwarfs is inept but sweet, with trolls, however, a motor disorder and grotesque. Unfortunately, it sometimes has to be taken seriously heavy, which is one reason probably why many little people are conspicuously particularly loud, funny, arrogant or otherwise. Because this theory rather long one of the commonplaces of lay psychology, it also has the only truth.
Basically, I wanted to but missed a total stranger to me, right in the conversation, patted his head like a dog-like, while also proclaimed: "We understand!" . After that I was so stunned that I was only as the guy already and realized how angry I am because of it. Long story short:
PS: and I need a slogan for my Spaghetti Monster shirt, now I vacillate between "I want to believe" and "Ramen" *_*...
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