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aww ~ the weekend is already over ... oh jah, but how quickly it will pass, right? x3 The weekend was really great *-*
Unfortunately, it is not worked out as I had imagined, 3, ~ Mary could in the end, unfortunately, but not because it fails to un mexxlertreffen which developed in part as yet mourning parade x'D
So honestly, the Mexxlertreffen is always more to meet the un Emo gammel meet D: It was so great to again see such old familiar faces ... but ... not enough! Where only the old hands are still there, you knew from before? Somehow get
the old hands are no longer ... un sinceSaturday I understand it ... as mentioned above; gammel meet un emo parade x'D
.... and honest, so trauig it is, but I would realize that I (un a few other friends that have the same opinion are x3) are washed out of these meetings already. I would rather save my money for major events (Connichi, LBM, FBM, etc. ..) before I again take on such a geh That was my last visit in June ... also be taken I prefer my friends is un stuttgi enterprising then something with them, making sure a lot more fun: 'D
In large un whole it was a great WE, because I have my best friend Yuki once again made it * _ * of course it was and mega class Nami Ryu, Stefan un Saku to see you again \u0026lt;3
so ... now it is serious; ^; today I got my grades of my education ...
omg ... I've got a commendation * w * ~ I'm an average of 1.8 !!!!!! * __ *
people, the net is cool! should * O * ~
but for that I now work mittah -.- that was so exhausting in the heat, A, ~ I hope such days come more often as not, A, ~
gaze times, which this week have everything waiting for me x'D
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