Tuesday, August 28, 2007

New Oven Sets Off Carbon Monoxide Detector

oh I miss my cat so much.

I dled Stepmania.Again. Although the music makes my intestines turn inside out, I can still spent hours on that game. i guess it's somehow funny that while I'm treating my keyboard like a six-year-old forced to play the piano, the boy next door enjoys nerdy games I'd describe if I wouldn't have been unable to listen to him whenever he was trying to explain the storyline to me.
he: oh, that's YXD, it's about B searching for H who L after K.
me says: Sounds like fun.
me thinks: What did he say? Damn I should really dust that shelf again.

So far I know it´ s about someone named "Kate Walker" and a robot who lost his hands and says "ka.te. wal.ker." all the time. Hopefully "ka.te. wal.ker." is going to die in the near future so that the robot will not mention "ka-te. walk.er. ever again.

(Cuddling cold, spiky lizards is simply not the same thing)

Whoa that almost looked like content. stoles Now i can post a questionnaire without seeming shallow ! GENIUS ME!

your phone? Unreliable.
your s partner? "Nerding"
your hair? hairy
Your Mama? Sleeping, i. guess
Your Daddy? "How should I know?
favorite subject? uh Book ?.?.
your dream from last night Something about my boyfriend getting drunk on wine and a blue kangaroo
your favorite drink COFFEE / + sugar / milk + / + foam
your dream car Honestly - I do not care if i ever get a driver's license. I do not give a shit about cars
The room in which you find yourself? living room / the room where all my stuff lies around;)
your ex? According to his myspace profile he became a cook.I'm such a creep.
your fear? Last week I attended a funeral of a very nice and awfully intelligent girl everyone watched literally killing herself for one year. I'm scared of feeling helpless.
What would you be in ten years? Beloved.
with whom you spent the last night? Boyfriend.
What do not you? reliable.
The last thing you did? I play stepmania and drank tea. [Ka.te.wal.ker]
wear what you like? clothes
your favorite book? "Wasted"
The last, what have you eaten? chicken with pepper and rice
your life? I would not dare to complain. (Except for ka.tewa.lk.er.)
your mood? happy but tired.
your friends? I don'tknow.
What are you thinking right now? I hate my period. Period. (XD)
What are you doing? Listening to "ka.tewa.lker. (Wanker. höhö. It's too late ...)
your summer (damn Aachen)? Rainy." If Holland would not, Aachen were lying on the sea "What
runs in your TV? Nothing (yay!)
When did you laugh the last time? One hour ago.
last cry? last friday. I was bored.
school is I did not hate school. Just the people I had to endure.
What are you listening to right now? Silence .... SHE's DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11elf1!!!!
Liebste Wochenendbeschäftigung? Finishing a good book and cooking something tasty with bf (our kitchen pawns EVERYone @____@!). oh, i like wine.
Traumjob? being paid for reading books.
Dein Computer? still the same.
Außerhalb deines Fensters? Aachen.
Bier? Bäh.
Mexikanisches Essen? Bäh.
Winter? BAVARIA!
Religion? scares me
Urlaub? money money money...
Auf deinem Bett? Giant pillows.
Liebe? Everything.